Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Professor Black Truth & My Own Thoughts on WHITE ON WHITE CRIME....

Good Morning from Philadelphia
It's 5am EST and I'm pretty much, UP. Went to bed at 11pm EST and woke up around about 4:12am EST, too early. But I can't really go to sleep. I'm gonna stretch and workout in a minute, but first I needed to type this up and get it out there.

This post was typed to this music;

White-on-White Crime?
The term is something that is only highlighted or brought up by Black Americans in response to Whites propaganda in regards to Black on Black Crime. The reality is that Whites are masters of misinformation and propaganda and Whites themselves know this which is why they don't discuss certain things among each other unless they have a rallying 3rd-party point to keep them from turning on each other.

As I said before Dave Chappelle highlighted this when he was joking about the fact that a Whiteman will tell you how he was fucking his White Wife in her ass before he tells you his political leanings and affiliations. Because he or she knows once you know that then you actually know who they are. And that's of course horrible to be that predictable, but? A lot has been going on and not nearly anything has been said at all about it so I will let Professor Black Truth do the talking for me. When a Black Person, particularly a Blackman commits a crime it is splashed here there everywhere!

However when a Whiteman commits crimes that deserve execution immediately, there is all kinds of nuisances and talk about how troubled they must have been and there is a deliberate attempt to paint that Whiteman or Whitewoman as some sort of abnormality and certainly not cause for alarm or a reflection of the norm. This is another reason why Whites can write dystopian novels and movies so well once one actually looks at much of their original history in Europe. It has always been about the 1% Whites and their Nobility versus the White Masses and their Middlemen.

Wherever you're born at, is pretty much where you'll stay, unless a 1% or Noble or Middleman notices you and pushes you forward, thus the phrase;
It's not what you know it's who you know.
That phrase within itself has always disturbed me even when I was a kid, because I understood it for what it means. Take a look at what that phrase LITERALLY SAYS. It is LITERALLY TELLING YOU that YOUR KNOWLEDGE.

I honestly don't think anyone thinks about that at all. I've never liked the phrase and I've always wondered why people endorse it when you are literally saying that YOU DO NOT MAKE YOUR WAY FORWARD WITH SUBSTANCE BUT BY BUTT-KISSING. And then? What kind of society would WANT THINGS THAT WAY? Where you LITERALLY ARE TELLING PEOPLE THAT HAVING KNOWLEDGE AND SUBSTANCE, actually won't get you anywhere. Unless you KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE. Where the next QUESTION BECOMES, how do the Right People have the ability to control who can and cannot move ahead or use THEIR KNOWLEDGE and why are they the supposed Right People.

Either way?
Here is Professor Black Truth and Good Morning.
From Philadelphia....

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