Monday, May 11, 2015

Andre C. Hatchett, How Do I Start A Business....?

Good Afternoon from Upper Darby!

My front door is being stained by apartment management. As you know my door got destroyed last month when fire broke out on the landing below my apartment, so? I'm back up again and haven't really slept at all, so!? Decided to post this and get back to typing because it is important! A lot of the things that Mr. Hatchett talks about I covered and I found out a lot about myself and also about my significant others in both instances. The funny thing is that when I was able to do for myself and was in college I ran a taxi service using my car and my college sweetheart never interfered with my business or making my money.

However in both my marriage to Noni and my relationship-engagement to Stacey, both of these bitches were hell bent on undermining me whenever the opportunity presented itself and ultimately revealed that they honestly didn't want me to succeed, because then?
What would happen to them.
My own decision to be involved with insecure women was also VERY STUPID ON MY PART. You can't be a man with ambitions and talent, but have a woman or women who are insecure. The moment I was shown this by them I should have respectfully ended the relationships and moved on. Now? In regards to My Ex-Wife, that means I wouldn't have My Son now, and regardless of everything that has happened I love my son. However I should have been wiser and smarter in correctly picking out WHO HIS MOTHER WOULD BE.
In both instances with Noni and Stacey it was MY OWN STUPIDITY for sticking with them for 11-years in one instance and 5-years with the other, which means I wasted 16-years of my life on lousy-bitches, as Corey Holcomb would say. I'm 43, so subtract 16-years and you see why I'm so late in establishing myself and my career in any way, shape, or form. So let that be a lesson to you reader, don't waste your time on women who seem to constantly find a way to get under your foot and in your way whenever you are doing something successfully or have concepts and ideas and they offer a whole lot of rah-rah support till you HONESTLY START WORKING and then they start bitching about "When you gonna find time for me?"
While everyone knows that no woman wants some broke-ass man who can't fuckin pay his own way and have his own things with his own name on the titles, deeds, etc. Since THEY ARE Lousy-Bitches, the fact that I wasted so much time on them and did not get a clue and buy a vowel and move on faster makes me a Lousy-Bastard. Now? They have no problems lying about who they are, I do. I have NO INTENTIONS ON STAYING A LOUSY-BASTARD. That's why this blog is here and that's why people are pushing me to finish up and finally get something out to the public that shows my creative-talent.
Mr. Hatchett discusses these things in his video, but I'm letting you know REGARDLESS OF YOUR RACE OR PLACE;
Learn from my mistake and the mistake of countless other men who try to juggle business-career and relationship and end up with neither! A man who chases 2-rabbits ends up with none, is a pretty good phrase in this instance and applies. But the KEYWORD in the phrase that changes things and is unaccounted for is the fact that a woman is a person and can make choices about what is important to her.

And when I say THAT, I mean that if you have a GOOD WOMAN, then she will DECIDE THAT YOU ARE IMPORTANT and she will not talk the bullshit-support scam and then guttersnipe and bitch and moan about "Not wanting to be alone" while you're building up your brand, your business, and your career. AGAIN, GOOD WOMEN KNOW that when a man HONESTLY LOVES THEM HE BUILDS EVERYTHING AROUND HER ANYWAY. It is the selfishly-stupid and sneaky-bitches that fuck it all up by deciding that SHE IS MORE IMPORTANT when you've come to her as a man should and let her know that you need to get this work done. But don't want to lose her in the process of doing it. Like I've talked about with everything else, it then becomes A CHOICE TO BE MADE and in this instance it is now YOUR WOMAN'S CHOICE to either say;

Ok! I'M IN!
No. I'm Out.
I've been seeing both with myself and women in general that it is a running gag for too many women to SAY SUPPORTIVE SHIT. But then secretly start fucking around on the sly with some other man or covertly undermining your endeavors while still pretending like she's in favor of what you're doing. Unfortunately I have also seen a BLATANT RISE IN SUPPORT FOR THE NEGATIVE WOMANLY DECISIONS on a mass-media level. So of course you also see in turn that many men abruptly cut the shit out of their women and simply get rid of them now the moment they go to do something that requires any kind of concentration on their part to achieve a goal. A lot of me-first shit going on, with a surface of supportive-bullshit talk. It's a counterproductive waste of time and doesn't encourage open-honesty between men-&-women, but I've already pointed out that we have men-&-women who are making money off of misinforming people on purpose on how they "Don't need no man." and "Fuck that bitch, bros before hoes." Very destructive shit playing out around all of us right now.

But regardless, as a man, ESPECIALLY AS A BLACKMAN. You have to find a way TO MAKE YOUR OWN WAY IN THIS WORLD. And there is nothing more satisfying than owning your own business and being able to meet your own needs with your own 2-hands, mind, concepts-n-ideas! So with all of that said, here is the video from Andre C. Hatchett on How Do I Start A Business;

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