Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Depicting Psionic Combat Correctly in a Book....

Good Evening from Rainy Upper Darby!

Just finished some more of Chapter Eight and one thing I am being reminded of is how to correctly depict the intangible world of the mind. The main character Lu Gell has successfully gotten past the defenses of one of the main-villains, Puyang, where he is now trying to entice and talk her over into joining Him and His Family's Cause.


Making sure to depict the fact that Lu Gell has successfully drawn Puyang's psyche, which is a combination of the mind-&-spirit, into His Own Far Stronger Psyche, and then meshing the fact that it appears to be the physical world. But isn't. The mixture of direct thoughts of the characters becoming manifested in this psychic-plane. Explaining correctly how to defend and attack and the levels of control and then the effects/affects that it has on each character?

It's fun and challenging and I already know that this can make or break this section of the book. The fact that this takes place in Chapter Eight and really gives the reader an in-depth view of things that were talked about in short-detail or in passing earlier on in the book? I know certain readers will find this interesting, while others may check out if I do this wrong. So I'm not trying to be OVERLY TECHNICAL AND WORDY, cause then they damn sure SHOULD CHECK OUT. But at the same time it does have a certain simplicity to it and that's really what I am striving for. A balance of letting the reader see how these mental contest of dominance and the inner-workings of what a Link is between people. A Link-Network, so on and so forth and then the pros and cons of it all. Then what happens when someone within the link-network gets killed! How does that affect/effect all the other surviving people?!

I'm definitely enjoying the challenge, while trying to keep it simple so anyone can follow!

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