Sunday, May 24, 2015

Building of Obudu Cable Cars

Good Morning from Upper Darby!

I have included this video because I have not forgotten the fact that too many of us as Black Americans are UNFAMILIAR WITH SEEING LARGE SCALE PROJECTS DOMINATED BY NOTHING BUT BLACK PEOPLE WORKING ON IT. I know for some this seems bizarre or infantile, however!? Nothing is further from the truth and it is a huge Negative-PR and psychological issue where many different Black Americans have been quoted at being stunned even when they shouldn't have been, because they're so accustomed to NOT SEEING BLACK AMERICANS WORKING ON LARGE PROJECTS DOMINATED BY NOTHING BUT BLACK AMERICANS.

Chuck D, who has been around the world countless times, talked about how he was in South Africa in Johannesburg and was just sitting outside, chillin. Then he kept looking across the street at a building being constructed and he kept getting this weird vibe like there was something ODD or WRONG with what he was seeing.... so?

He's trying to FIGURE OUT, why he keeps staring at this high-rise being put and why it keeps KEEPING HIS ATTENTION the way that it is doing, till he realized that...!? The reason why he couldn't take his eyes off of it, because it was the first time in DECADES that he'd seen a LARGE-SCALE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT WITH NOTHING BUT BLACKMEN WORKING ON IT!

He then goes on to talk about the fact that here in Nazi-America, the only time large groups of Blackmen get shown doing anything is either for a sporting event, prison pictures or protesting! But not for ACTUALLY CONSTRUCTING SOMETHING. He then pointed out that the constant LACK OF CONSTRUCTIVE MEDIA COVERAGE SHOWING BLACK AMERICANS ENGAGED IN SOMETHING LIKE BUILDING, A BUILDING, seems harmless. But it's not. So because of that I decided to post this post and this video of Nigerians building a cable car network and the narrator talking about the project and walking you through it. ENJOY!

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