Friday, May 15, 2015

Hispanic Business Owner looks to Cash-in On White Appreciation Day!

Good Morning from Upper Darby!

Well? I'm sure you saw I only made one post yesterday, right? Yup! I only posted 1-post yesterday because I was busy typing up 10-pages of BOOK WORK! YEAH! I wish I typed faster, not even gonna lie. I've been told my typing speed is pretty good, but I don't believe it. I've never had myself tested, so? Either way, I came across this last week and it is funny in a sense to me because it's clear this "Hispanic-Man", is trying to drum up business for himself.

The whole thing started as a joke initially and then when the joke attracted attention I BELIEVE the guy got scared into going through with it, leading to a big mess that MAY OR MAY NOT work out for him and his business. Now? Me personally? I always laugh when White People bitch-n-moan about why do Black People gotta point out that their a Black Business or a Black Show or a Blackman or a Blackwoman, etc-etc!

It's like they somehow forget how their ancestors and modern-day compatriots spend 24/7 badmouthing the shit out of us unless we're kicking a ball, dribbling a ball, dancing, singing, or simply being quiet in the corner and making them shitloads of money with no real expectation of being paid what we're actually worth. That doesn't even include places like the Chocolate Country of Belgium being able to brag about how they helped to kill Patrice Lumumba the Prime Minister of the Congo, because he dared to stop Whites from plundering the Congo of its resources without paying for them.

And fuck you Soviet Union for once again showing that as long as Black People are willing to embrace your shitty-ass ideals, you'll talk shit but never show up when actually fuckin needed. And any Black Person talking about a Communist Party needs to go kill themselves and stop wasting our time. Communism is a short-term tool of governance that can be used to redistribute wealth and power and should never be allowed to last beyond 50-years due to its ability to stagnate the human spirit of competition and growth. Fuck Communism. And fuck the Soviet Union. You losers lost your fuckin empire because Gorbachev sold you out for fuckin PIZZA HUT PIZZA! Pathetic.
People try all kinds of things to get businesses going or keep them going and the boundaries of good-taste and common sense sometimes become blurred. White Appreciation Day by some Hispanic Man, where Hispanics are not even a race, never mind that there are MORE BLACK HISPANICS than White Hispanics. There isn't enough time right now for me to even get into that fact. What I do know is this, I said it before and I'll say it again;
I'm not looking for FRIENDS.

As a Blackman I am well-aware that it is within my own people, where I will find commonality and comfort from. By pulling together as a people we will create our own place in this world. But by constantly panhandling and swirling and begging for Non-Blacks to be Our Friends, we will get exactly what we have gotten to this point.

Nothing. Here is the video for White Appreciation Day.

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