Friday, May 15, 2015

You Want a Job in Nazi-America, then Pretend to be White...!

Good Morning from Upper Darby!

Here is a video about a Blackwoman who correctly sees that applying online with resumes, which most of Nazi-America is now dominated by. Apply Online-only, where it is EASY to discriminate against Black Americans a process that I am still shocked that My Own People sat quietly by and did not raise any alarms that the White American Business-model has moved to apply online-only where you never even come in to fill out an application for employment. You email your resume in with no clue on who has it, whether they reviewed it or anything else. Then you sit around and wait and hope or you continue to just send out resumed-emails to unknown people who never ID themselves, so you have no one to contact to follow-up with.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, we have to build up our own economy and businesses or else we will continue to be on the outside looking in and begging everyone else for jobs while they ONLY HIRE THEIR OWN PEOPLE. PERIOD. It is not even funny when fools and traitors like Raven Symone talk shit about "we're all Americans" like the coon-ass bitch she is. It is also the shitty-policies of these Weak-Kneed Negroes running after Whites and promising to DIVEST Black Businesses and BE DEPENDENT on Whites to give us jobs. I don't even like that Martin Luther King kept talking that silly shit that if we show Whites that we are human, by letting them brutalize us, then they will see how wrong they are.

Absolutely the DUMBEST PLAN AND THE SILLIEST SHIT THAT I'D EVER HEARD GROWING UP. As I got older in high school I saw just how stupid MLK was and how DESPERATE he was to be accepted by Whites. Pathetic.
People accept others when they show that they have a sense of pride, dignity and self-worth where they say OUT LOUD "I would rather go it alone than sit here and let you kill me so I can sit at YOUR FUCKIN TABLE WITH YOU." fuck outta here.

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