Sunday, May 17, 2015

Maryland Chooses Jails Over Schools for Baltimore Youths, SHOCK FACE-4 O_O!!!!!

Good Afternoon from Upper Darby!

I cannot BELIEVE that someone would decide to build MORE PRISONS INSTEAD OF SCHOOLS HERE IN NAZI-AMERICA!
You know what I love? I love how when Hip-Hop, particularly Rap Music, was dominated and controlled by us as Black People you had all the different genres to it;
Conscious Rap
Political Rap
Hardcore Rap
Gangsta Rap
Dance & Party Rap
Alternative Rap

White People tended to make fun of it all and for the most part it was unaccepted by the White American Masses. This wasn't exactly the case in White Europe and in much of Africa Conscious Rap and Political Rap WAS BANNED, because the Whites feared it would cause their oppressed Black Populations to physically revolt!
Good times.
Good times.
I am VERY GLAD that I grew up when I did, because I got to see the transition. I got to see how Whites and White-Jews instantly moved to get rid of Conscious-&-Political Rap, IMMEDIATELY! These two forms of Rap had an EXTREMELY POSITIVE AFFECT/EFFECT ON BLACK PEOPLE and it made all of us want to do our best no matter what odds we faced or our own shortcomings.

Gangsta Rap was pushed and pushed heavily and I found over and over that whatever the WORST FORMS OF RAP WERE, the Whites I knew were ALWAYS INTO IT. It never failed. EVER. When 2-Live Crew was still only known by Whites living in the Florida Region and going to the Spring Breaks and all of that shit, they were hot among Whites and some Blacks but THEY WERE REGIONAL. Anyone outside of Florida rarely knew what the fuck a 2-Live Crew was and they instinctively knew by the name that whoever the fuck they were;

When you compare 2-Live Crew against EPMD there is NO CONTEST. EVER. If you wanna shake your ass you toss on some 2-Live Crew crap and fuck some bitch you don't know and then look stupid when your ass comes up HIV-positive. Hope it was worth it asshole. Meanwhile EPMD was hardcore, but even in the midst of being hardcore they talked about everyday life. What it meant to make it as a rapper. What it honestly means to make it IN ANYTHING IF YOU'RE SERIOUS ABOUT IT. They talked about the fact that getting a piece of ass without protection and paying attention to Who's Booty it is, is a great way to get your dumb-ass infected with HIV and then what? All over having some sex? Dumb-ass, it's not worth it.
Bear in mind that like I said, EPMD was and still is, a hardcore Rap Duo, yet their albums were and still are well-rounded. You can kick back and go from track-to-track and you can listen and actually hear shit where you can relate. You can hear shit where they have tracks that make you think and question what are you doing and why. You hear NO MENTION OF THIS FROM WHITES WHO TALK SHIT ABOUT OUR MUSIC. Yet they wanna fuckin steer it and then push bullshit rappers who talk about Thug-shit 24/7 but then Whites-&-White Jews wanna pretend like they didn't fuckin steer the fuckin industry so that it would start producing bullshit music that would feel COMFORTABLE TO WHITES. I've seen White People TODAY, become UNCOMFORTABLE JUST HEARING THE BASS-LINE FROM OLD EPMD TRACKS. Where they understood that the music was being made for us, by us, to speak TO US.

I say all of this because Whites and some Nigger-traitors eventually tried to claim that Rap pushed the culture of Going to Jail is cool! When I grew up during the rise of Hip-Hop and its dominant sub-culture of Rap. Rap IS A PART OF HIP-HOP. It IS NOT THE ENTIRETY OF IT. But once Whites steered Hip-Hop into safe waters FOR THEM, then all of the other elements were pushed back and have now become Whitewashed, literally. Gangsta Rap used to have as its founders;
Schooly D
Ice T
Kool G Rap
and just THESE GANGSTA RAPPERS ALONE they always pointed out IN THEIR RAPS that living the gangster life...? IT GETS YOU KILLED. Every time they always showed the listener the highs and lows and the bullshit you have to go through to be some street thug and all this other shit! Only to spend the last verse showing how IT ALWAYS FALLS APART AND YOU END UP DEAD OR IN PRISON! These rappers helped me to change my own direction and understand that "power like that", is an illusion. At NO TIME OR NO POINT do any of these men get the proper credit due, because once the Whites started dictating who got deals and what sounds they wanted to hear?

They ELIMINATED ALL OF THESE TYPES OF GANGSTA-RAPPERS. Intelligent Hoodlum. King-Tee. And countless others were no longer able to show the fact that it's not worth running the streets no matter how cool it may SEEM. Instead assholes and sellouts like NWA were pushed. And I often found White Suburban Kids bumping NWA and living it up! More than I found my own people listening to it in the Black neighborhoods I grew up in and frequented. Bottom line is once the Black Rappers who were and are all about the money, saw what it is that Whites wanted? Then they came running from out of the woodwork talking that I'm a thug shit, so they could cash in on the money and opportunities being offered. I of course knew that in the end these shortsighted fools would then become the scapegoats to be blamed by the very same Whites who pushed them and their forms of "entertainment" in the first place. Here is the article;

Maryland Chooses Jail Over Schools for Baltimore Youths

The budget decisions reflect a pattern in Maryland and across the U.S. of prioritizing spending on incarceration over education—calling to mind what’s become known as the “school-to-prison pipeline”—and the elderly over the young.
On the heels of violent unrest in Baltimore following the death of Freddie Gray in police custody, which focused attention on the city’s racial and economic inequities, Hogan’s choice to defund education has garnered criticism.
“Given how the needs of our children have been highlighted by the events of the past few weeks, I hoped that the governor would have agreed with the general assembly that these dollars are critical for expanded educational opportunities,” Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said at a news conference following Hogan’s announcement.
Spending on prisons nationwide has outpaced spending on schools in many states in recent years, according to a 2014 study from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a nonpartisan research institution. Though most states still spend more on education than on corrections, budget outlays on prisons and jails is on the rise while spending on schools is declining. The study found that the states making the deepest cuts to K–12 spending—Arizona, Alabama, and Oklahoma—are all among the 10 states with the highest incarceration rates.

Although prisons are more expensive per person than schools, and imprisonment leads to costlier outcomes for criminal offenders compared with those who graduate from high school, such policies have been pushed most heavily in the last couple of decades by politicians who call themselves fiscal conservatives and are members of the Republican Party. Hogan is a Republican, and the Board of Public Works that approved the new jail is part of the executive branch.
The effects of such choices tend to be concentrated in low-income communities of color like the one where Gray grew up. High concentrations of prison and jail inmates tend to come from select neighborhoods—particularly those where children bring the damaging effects of their poverty into the local schools and tend to require more resources to educate them to state standards. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People studied this phenomenon in a report that examined what have been called “million dollar blocks,” where states spend millions of dollars on the incarceration of citizens in tightly defined areas even as they slash spending on education, housing, and public health. At the same time, the United States is among just three developed nations that spend more to educate wealthy children than poor ones, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Baltimore’s new 60-bed youth jail is being constructed to house teens charged as adults for violent offenses. Two years ago, the city considered spending as much as $70 million on a new youth jail. Some of these teens are currently housed alongside adult offenders in the Baltimore City Detention Center. In March, the U.S. Department of Justice criticized the state for housing youths and adults together. Studies have found that housing youths in adult correctional facilities can lead to higher suicide rates among juveniles, increased incidents of rape by adult offenders and staff, and assaults.

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