Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Cuz I Don't Like Your Daughter, Bitch...!

Great Morning from Philadelphia!

This morning is BUSY! Lot of stuff to post this morning and 5150 Show LAST NIGHT!? WAS HOT! Like the Zo What Morning Show, Corey Holcomb's 5150 Show is NOT WHITE-FILTERED, although Ustream tries REAL HARD TO FUCK UP WHEN 5150 Show is streaming! Much like Zo Williams I don't agree with everything that Corey says or does, but I damn sure do SUPPORT AND UNDERSTAND WHERE HE IS COMING FROM AND WHY!

 Last night's episode was not only FUNNY! But went in on the serious issue of how it is too fuckin easy to be an American Police Officer, ESPECIALLY a White American Police Officer and you can GET AWAY WITH KILLING A BLACK AMERICAN OR BLACK PERSON WITHOUT REPERCUSSION. Another series of Black American Men have been blatantly killed where we've had burning riots at White College University of Kentucky, because these Whites were upset that their predominantly Black American college basketball team LOST after their bullshit-ass perfect season was ended in the bullshit-ass Slave Tournament of March Sadness.
Mind you!? That White American Colleges work HARD AS FUCK! To bar Black-students, but these muthafucka's are BLATANTLY DISRESPECTFUL on how they MAKE. SURE. That Black Student-Athletes ALWAYS GET INTO THEIR COLLEGES. Mind you? This is TO BE EXPECTED because Whites LOVE MAKING MONEY OFF OF US, unless or until we are attempting to gain knowledge or certification-degrees FOR OUR OWN PURPOSES. Then all of a sudden Whites ARE ON-GUARD! And they work overtime to make sure that Black enrollment, Black advancement, etc! Is LOW-TO-NONE, because they know that Right-Minded Black People seek knowledge and certification-degrees to turn around and RETURN to Black American Communities to BUILD THEM UP AND BETTER THEM. You will find that Blacks have been encouraged and brainwashed to seek to "upgrade away" from Black People and Black Communities, meaning that any knowledge and investments that they SHOULD BE BRINGING BACK TO BLACK PEOPLE AND OUR COMMUNITIES, end up going into WHITE COMMUNITIES or other Non-Black Communities.
Again? These are TYPICAL MOVES by an Oppressing Group and a Status Quo that seeks to maintain itself and keep those that they have always been able to exploit and oppress, in a position TO BE exploited and oppressed. The FAULT FALLS THOUGH onto the Oppressed or those who are trying to REPLACE THE STATUS QUO, it is on us as Black People to empower ourselves and stick to the goal of Returning to Respectability and Power. And it should be expected on our part no matter where you are, that Whites and their Supporters, to keep us in a position of dependency and powerlessness. This naive notion that Whites will just arbitrarily give up THEIR OWN POWER OVER US, is a JOKE. This includes SHARING POWER WITH US. Especially with the reality of our historical relationship. Once you've been able to enslave an entire continent of people and then export masses of them to all parts of the world as slaves to be used for profit and empowerment of Whites, then? To disregard a people's historical interaction with another is to disregard ON THE INDIVIDUAL LEVEL the interaction-history of those individuals and as you all know, we don't do that ON THE INDIVIDUAL LEVEL. So I'm not going along with the bullshit when it applies to GROUPS OF PEOPLE, RACES-N-PLACES OF PEOPLE, in regards to their historical interactions. I'm not going along with it. So with that said!? Enjoy the 5150 Show with Corey Holcomb in this bitch... Cuz I don't like your daughter, bitch....!

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