Monday, April 20, 2015

The Adventures of A Black-Boy and his sidekick... GERMAN SHEPARD...!

Good Noon-Time TO YA! From Philadelphia!

Finishing up the morning posts and getting ready to finally eat and then get to work.

Something of note?
I don't hang around certain types of people who honestly do foul-shit like beating up women or abusing people or stealing from their own family, thus? I don't hang around my own mother, because her behavior is just shady and not very good. And yes, I said, not very good. Because it is embarrassing to me that my mother just won't let certain things go and will do other things where it's like "That...? Was really low. Wow. I came from out of you? Embarrassment. Embarrassing. All that intelligence... but you're petty as the day as long. No wonder you don't have a man, who is gonna put up with that kind of behavior." and for the record I have spoken to my mother and been tactful and polite since the day I was a child and told her to her face that "Smoking weed is bad. I'm just a kid and you expose me to this horrible smelling stuff." However I figured out that my mother was smoking weed to get away from the stresses of her life. She used to drink and smoke to excess to try to get away from her problems and once I realized that TALKING TO HER ABOUT was not gonna work. Then I DID SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Me. And my partner in crime, GERMAN SHEPARD!
Mmmmm-hmmmmmmmm, that's right. Just a Black-boy and his trusty sidekick, GERMAN SHEPARD! That dog and I had some wild adventures WITH SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES had we gotten caught. The first thing we did? Was GET RID OF EVERYONE WHO ENCOURAGED MY MOTHER TO DRINK OR SMOKE!
Moochie and Goochie. Those sound like women with GREAT INTENTIONS DON'T THEY!?
I have to say this too, when women go south in judgment? We talk about how MEN can hang around some shady-ass muthfucka's!? WOMEN!? YO!? WHEN WOMEN GO WRONG!? THE CROWD OF WOMEN THEY START TO HANG OUT WITH ARE JUST!? EVIL! And I think that is because men and women are SO DIFFERENT in how we express ourselves. When men are wrong-minded we're PHYSICALLY OBVIOUS! You can pretty much SEE IT! When women go wrong? It comes out in their mentality, the way they do things, perceive the world! And how they carry themselves.

Just typing this I'm remembering how all of THE USUAL SUSPECTS, including my sister's father Alonzo. They're all sittin in the kitchen smoking and drinking and smoking and drinking and eatin crab-legs and the house reeks of weed and cigarette smoke and crab-legs and SEAFOOD! >_< I hate cigarettes. I hate weed. I hate alcohol. MUST. DESTROY IT. So? Me and my partner, GERMAN SHEPARD! Are stuck in a houseful of haze like we're living in fuckin LOS ANGELES AND SHIT! And I told him... I don't like these people. I don't like carrying buckets of my mother's puke either! AND WHO NAMES THEIR DAUGHTER TURTLE!? I don't care how I have to do I GOTTA GET RID OF THESE BUMS! So? Our first mission was to turn these trifling disgraceful disgraces to Black People against one another. Turning Niggers against one another IS NOT HARD AT ALL. Pfft, actually its so easy, THAT A SMALL CHILD LIKE ME WAS ABLE TO DO! With my sidekick partner...

Say it with me...

Being a small child and using GERMAN SHEPARD AS A DECOY! I had him crawl underneath the table. I needed the targets to get accustom to HIM being down there. Of course they initially chased him away BUT NOT TO WORRY! Drunk-weeded-up-cigarette-chain-smoking-crab-eating-IDIOTS! Don't stay focused for long on some dumb dog laying underneath the table, and that was my goal. To get them to feel COMFORTABLE that something was under the table. Once they finally let him stay there...? Heh, phase-1 complete. Now I could crawl on over there and get underneath the table. Go into the ladies pocketbooks... And first? Get rid of all of their dime-bags of weed. And their annoying-ass TOPS rolling paper! Or worse? Shift ALL OF IT TO ONE OF THIER POCKETBOOKS AND PURSES... Then crawl away and watch from a nice safe distance.

"Ay, roll up another one."
"I can't find the paper!?"
"Where's my weed at!? I KNOW YA'LL DIDN'T SMOKE ALL THE SHIT UP!?"
No fools I DESTROYED IT! And these are "adults"? On what planet?
Heh-heh, now it gets interesting, because drunk people can't control their emotions... Now? Time to call my partner up out of harms way. And now GERMAN SHEPARD and I watch as the Fool-Ass-Niggers bicker about who stole what and why and then Alonzo and my mom THROW THEM OUT OF OUR HOUSE! Now? For my next Terrorist-Attack! Wait till the middle of the night... And POUR OUT ALL OF THE BUDWEISER BEER! And no, I am NOT exaggerating. No I am not TELLING A CUTE LITTLE STORY. My own mother understands that the reason why she doesn't smoke, stopped smoking weed, and had stopped drinking AND GOT HER FUCKIN LIFE IN ORDER! Was because they never were able to figure out who the fuck in their fucked up ass "CIRCLE OF FRIENDS" WAS CONSTANTLY STEALING FROM THEM! ^_^ Because who would suspect their own child and his trusty sidekick...!?

Of undermining their useless waste of their lives on booze, beer, crabs, and shitty-ass weed! THIS IS WHY I REBUKE YOU STACEY! Because you grew up BITCHIN AN MOANING ABOUT SOMEBODY SAVE ME! Me? I grew up saying "FUCK OUTTA HERE! I'LL SAVE MY GOT-DAMN SELF! MOVE!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! My mother had a picture of me riding on the back of GERMAN SHEPARD and she told me years ago "I should have KNOWN it was YOU!" and she wondered why I never said anything for all my life until 2009 or whatever and I told her "You don't do the right thing so you can get REWARDED. I didn't do what I did or what I've done, to get recognition or rewards. I did it because I believed it was the right thing to do. How could I sit and watch my own mother throwing her life away because she was upset and disappointed with herself. What kind of son would I be? And I am Your Oldest Child at that, that is supposed to mean something. At least to me it does."  
Shout out to GERMAN SHEPARD! You rode with this little Black Boy into battle and never let me down! SLEEP WELL MY FRIEND! YOU EARNED IT!

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