Sunday, April 5, 2015

Thinking about Things....

Good Afternoon from Philadelphia!

Sitting here listening to one of Tariq Nasheed's internet-radio broadcast from last month and he's breaking down the difference among Black People who are Coons and A Black Person who is Still Asleep. He also added in Black People who are Asleep AND WANT TO STAY ASLEEP. The funny thing is that what Tariq is talking about is translatable to other situations where it involves a person or people who willing will Act Like A Slave & A Fool, a coon, solely so they can stay cool with those who actually don't give a shit about them but they know they'll have some measure of safety and won't have to actually expand and grow and mature and be self-sufficient.

I've known a number of people who fall into this category and I've been pissed at myself for even falling into the Coon-category in regards to rolling with people who have never actually applied themselves, but talk about shit they have no business running their mouths on. Even when I look back on my relationship with Stacey and my marriage to my ex-wife Noni, I'm forced to acknowledge that both of these Libra-bitches are Coons who wanted and still do counterproductive shit, while talking shit as if they have the faintest idea on how to live the way they talk. That makes me a Coon BY DEFAULT for then getting involved with them, trying to build with them, then ending up on here typing this out where I'm having to face and confess about the fact that the reason why shit hadn't worked out for me was because I was a jack-ass trying to build-shit with bitches who only gave two-fucks about silly-shit! HAHAHAHHAHAHAH! Then I'm slowing down and talking lovey-dovey and marriage with them, when they've already made it clear that they LOVE HOW WHITES RULE EVERYTHING! They have no intentions of better themselves or their own people! Let alone their own families, BUT!? They sure can talk delusional crap about how they "wish things were" as long as THEY DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING TO ACTUALLY MAKE IT THAT WAY! So they love their families! Love their lives! And they're so happy and full of life! Especially after I finally go my own way and now they no longer have to worry about me dragging them down with having to actually do any work to better themselves cuz they were fine before they ever met me! Life was GREAT!

Until of course...?
Shit doesn't go right for them.
Then all of a sudden they're no longer crowing and cackling.
You can't pry their mouths open with the jaw's-of-life.
Then when you start asking them why are they so miserable all of a sudden or why are they doing a whole bunch of random crap out of the blue? They don't want anyone to know that the only reason why their one-track-mind was able to stay on the rails was because I was there to make sure it stayed on the rails and the engine worked, etc-etc, now!? Now they're back to doing what they normally did and you see the crazy coming out of them where they're getting tattoos like a 15-year old and making an ass out of themselves. Now it's all about "praising God" because now they need to become spiritual because they no longer can turn to me and talk through their issues and get an honest answer where they know I'm not simply gonna say shit so they shut the fuck up and go buy an actual shrink!

Meanwhile that's not what I've spent my time doing prior to getting involved with either of them. Your dating life is no different than the friends you keep, the company you keep! I really DIDN'T THINK ABOUT THAT MORE CAREFULLY, but I finally get it now. -_- Ay, I'm slow, sue me. And it's part of the reason why my life has turned back around for the better again, because I'm no longer investing in people and women who don't actually hold the same basic beliefs and values as I do. I honestly thought that it was understood that you just don't do certain things that damage your own credibility. Especially as a woman, what woman in her right-mind would cosign rape-molestation by family members and then think I'm just gonna ignore that and go along with it too. Nah. I can't help you with that. I'm not gonna ignore that and I could give two fucks whether they were my family, her family, your family, the Adams Family! Fuck that. Fuck that. And it's not my job at 43 years old to try to instill some self-respect, pride and dignity, understanding of self, etc! In loud mouth losers who are great at yappin when shit doesn't fuckin count. But then quiet as fuckin church mice when shit hits the fan. What's up with that!?

One thinks it's okay to blatantly say that when Whites ran everything during Apartheid things were better. And to cosign rape, molestation, embezzlement, actual abuse, and constantly lying when lying isn't necessary. I cannot believe I stayed with a woman who honestly let her daughter get beaten up by her boyfriend when I told her a year in advance that this would happen. And she did nothing except scream like a bitch when it happened APPROXIMATELY A YEAR TO THE DAY. Then I'm supposed to be shocked that her daughter, whom I also predicted would head for the hills as soon as possible, has now run off to an entirely different country in Thailand. Good luck to her! And she has more bravery than her cowardly-ass, lying mother, that's for sure. But I knew that already and said as much long ago, so? I'm not shocked by events when I called them over 4-years ago.

The other idolized White People till they fuckin kept passing her over for promotions while making her do 10x's the work FOR LESS PAY than her White coworkers. But then she had nightmares when I was married to her about my business being a success and her getting "left behind". I tried to include my ex-wife in the business process and to let her see what I was doing step-by-step and it only made things worse, not better. I also got the chance to see first-hand her inferiority-complex towards Whites. We were already married by this point and Our Son was on the way and I didn't like the fact that I'd ignored and ignored all the warning signs where? This is why you can't be a Blackman or Blackwoman who honestly has and wants to help with the rebuilding of Our People, you can't marry a coon. I married a coon. And she made it clear that she was uncomfortable with me pitching in where I could, when I could. She wanted the illusion of white-house, white-picket-fence, yeah, we got that bullshit, fine. But I was looking at the fact that we needed to have our own source of generating income and not be dependent upon the Whites we were both individually working for. And she just didn't get it. DIDN'T LIKE IT. Until, like I said before, she started getting fucked over, just like I warned her she would.

She did her hair up in these beautiful braids man...? She looked absolutely stunning. And her fuckin White boss and coworkers went absolutely ape-shit over it. I swear to God they absolutely lost her mind because she didn't go into work trying to rock a weave and all that horrible horse-headed bullshit that Blackwomen waste their fuckin time on trying to look like some fucked up ass White bitch! My ex-wife always kept her own hair in shape on top of her own head. I don't fuck with weave-wearing bitches, period. And I could give two fucks what anyone says to me, I don't fuck with weaves or any Blackwoman who wears them. So when my ex-wife got her hair done in braids where it took most of the day, she looked STUNNING! Flat out. STRAIGHT UP! SHE LOOKED GREAT! And those White pieces of shit she worked with were INTIMIDATED AS FUCK! Because they were looking at A BLACKWOMAN ROCKING A BLACKWOMAN'S HAIRSTYLE! And they IMMEDIATELY started fucking with her till finally they confronted her.

Then I had to step in, SUBTLETY, I was subtle. But for that brief moment? My wife finally got it! Or so I thought. Even Our baby at the time wasn't convinced, the Boy saw right thru her. My damn ass was all happy that she finally woke up, but he was like "C'mon, dad, stop it." she took the braids out and the White muthafuckas were kissing her ass and making excuses and all this bullshit and she went right back to Coonville. -_- Straight back to Coonville. -_- Just typing that makes me disappointed as fuck, because it wasn't like she hadn't shown me years prior that this is who she is. She needs that White Approval, while she has seen the exact opposite and been jealous at times where? White People? I do what I'm supposed to and keep it at that. My White friends? They are MY SIDEKICKS, not the other way around. They seek MY APPROVAL, not the other way around, and I have seen too many times that too many Black People don't actually have experience with that ON MY LEVEL AS THE COMMON, AVERAGE, BLACKMAN-BLACK PERSON.   

Now? You, noble-reader, wherever you are. I'm standing right there with you when I look at the things I've typed, WHICH I CAN PROVE. So lemme make sure that you all know that I'm not someone who types shit up on the internet with no means of PROVING IT. Both Stacey and Noni really believed in some fucked up shit, BUT!? The real issue where I know you as a reader have to be saying, which I am looking at my damn self and asking the same question, which is "How the fuck did you find these two women and what made you think shit would work if this is the crap coming out of their mouths and these are the things they are doing?"

GREAT POINT! Great point. Stacey found me on Penpals International. I was there to finish my first book and was looking for Japanese People living in Japan because my book was set in Japan. She however was looking for Black American men to CHEAT ON HER HUSBAND WITH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Something I would find out later on was common with her. And Noni found me because I went to college with her brother and her and her mother thought it'd be great for her to go out with me, because back then I knew her parents and her brother and all of them knew that I had tremendous talent. But I had a shitty-petty mother who'd always resented getting pregnant with me. So how is it that I ended up where I was? It was because just like Stacey and Noni, just like the women I was with I am a Hard Luck Case.

A Hard Luck Person or a Hard Luck Case is somebody who just can't seem to catch that right break. We don't necessarily have all Bad Luck, but things tend to BOUNCE the wrong way at the worst time, thus, hard luck. It's not that the bad bounce is the end-all and be-all, but the timing of it is just fuckin shitty as hell and it makes a bad situation way worse at the worst possible time! Now? This outlook on my part was something that I initially rode with, until I honestly started to sit and think and realize that? Hold up...?

I don't just curl up into a ball when shit goes the wrong way... And? I don't exploit people to save my own ass... I don't ask people to do something that I haven't done or won't do myself. If I have something to say, I say it. If shit goes wrong, I make it right.

It was these quick facts when I looked at myself that made me realize that it isn't that I am a hard luck case. It is that I BELIEVE THAT I AM A HARD LUCK CASE. So I seek out hard luck women, but then quickly end up clashing with them because MY OWN THOUGHTS OF MYSELF, AREN'T ACTUALLY IN TUNE WITH MY ACTIONS. When I type that I mean, I've had bad breaks in life, but I've always acknowledged that bad breaks in life happen. It's how we handle them that makes all the difference in the world! So when shit has gone south, I've always tried to figure out a way to STOP IT from going further south. Then start making my way north and cleaning up my mess. This is what has really put me at odds with both Stacey and Noni. I understand that it isn't for anyone else to clean up a mess I've made except for me. Coons tend to sweep shit under the rug and then complain that the rug is lumpy and then act like "they don't know why the rug is lumpy", as if they didn't sweep shit underneath it and still have the dust on their hands to prove that they are the reason why the rug has dirt underneath it.

Being a Hard Luck Case can be difficult enough, because a person can become gun-shy about life itself and lose confidence in their decision-making abilities. However? When you add the fact that the person is a Coon on top of that? Now it becomes more about intentionally doing counterproductive things and not so much just having bad breaks and bounces in life. If we become afraid of life. Lose confidence in our ability to make good decisions and become tentative and timid about how we decide to do things, then all we become then is a coward. And cowards are the worst, because cowards run away from life and living it, they run away from that at every opportunity they get. This circles back around into what a Coon is and what a Coon can be. Coons are cowards. They look for others to make the tough choices, to live their lives for them, and they front-run and bandwagon-ride when things are fine. Then they sulk and scowl when the people or person they've signed their lives over for them to live for them, makes bad choices with it. They never actually accept the fact that THEY THEMSELVES have decided TO NOT LIVE LIFE. Which means THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN when the person or people they've tied themselves to or handed their future and life over to, fucks up with it.

Don't be a Coon. And don't be a Coward. Don't look for someone to solve your problems for you. There is nothing wrong with looking for SUPPORT in your life, but don't be a douche-bag and try to dump all of your problems on your woman or your man and then look shocked when they tell you to go fuck yourself, because you're a lazy-coward in life that wants to set them up to be blamed for not "managing your life properly". Don't be a bitch-ass about life and call facts doom-&-gloom when you have to look in the mirror or have the mirror put in front of you where you see how much of a yellow-bellied whore you are at running away from life's challenges. Everyone feels insecure and afraid at some point, lord knows I've been there. But how we handle it turns hard luck bad bounces into finally mastering how to dribble the ball of life and understand turning a bad bounce into a good one. Cliched crap aside, you get what I mean.

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