Thursday, April 2, 2015

Packin the Right Punch!

Good Evening from Philadelphia!

Not gonna be on here long. Just stopping by because I am looking at how making sure the pacing of a book is done correctly and I am definitely typing at a good clip, I'm still paying attention to the fact that I'm still not quite comfortable with how the introduction of the main villain character is going. MIND YOU!? It's not bad, but it just doesn't have that POP! It doesn't JUMP OFF THE PAGE! At least not to me, not yet! It's good... But it's not GREAT! So I'm working with that, struggling on that.

Got my workout in today. Did great with that. Got my journal entry in for my son and that's really what all of this IS REALLY ABOUT. I've gotten past the hard parts of this odyssey I've been on since the last time I saw him at 12 months and 5 days old. Coming down this back-stretch to finally finish AND PUBLISH THIS BOOK, is ALL ABOUT GETTING MY SON BACK. It's another reason why I am doing the best that I can and I'm HONESTLY PLEASED with what I've written. I've done all of the research and pricing for everything else to help my book sell. Now it is just about finishing it up and moving on to the finish line. But getting my son back is what's most important and my talent as a writer is what is going to help me get that done.

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