Monday, April 13, 2015

VLK 2nd-in-Command Lucy Liu...!

Good Evening from Philadelphia!

Hope everyone is doing well tonight. Spending time with your kids. Had a good dinner. Spending time with your loved ones. I'm continuing to type and work on From Child to Man, I'll get into that specifically another time. Still working out and losing weight, which is great! Hope you guys are exercising and not listening to the fast-food quick weight loss scam-artist. If there is one thing I KNOW is that if you honestly want something, NEED SOMETHING, then you have to work for it. Anything that you can easily acquire means it USUALLY ISN'T WORTH IT. Watched all of Marvel Netflix's Daredevil-series. Will DEFINITELY give a review of the series, because since it was on Netflix and not on a normal TV-station, then they went on ahead and shot the 1st-Season and released all of it in its entirety in one fell-swoop! So I'll get into that because I got my own two-cents to give on that! AND ALSO, I'm gonna weigh in on Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, too! I've been holding off and holding off and holding off, but I'm definitely gonna drop my two-cents on that too! Along with a lot of other topics and such. I try not to waste you guys time by pretending to be someone I'm not, because I myself hate phony people.

Disclaimer? DONE.
Now!? For tonight's feature presentation.....

Here is the next bio from my days of catfight writing. This one  is for Lucy Liu. As you will see IN THE BIO, I actually wrote this one as if I, me, the writer, was arguing with and talking to this fictional Lucy Liu-character for my catfight stories. I did this because each INDIVIDUAL CHARACTER is supposed to have their own INDIVIDUAL PERSONALITY. I've found as I have grown up and finally gotten to this point in life, LITERALLY. This day. At this time. At this hour. That writers? God they lead the SHIT out of their readers. Their material is so fuckin ONE-SIDED AND OBVIOUS. I've touched on this before in regards to how writers easily identify FOR YOU;

1) Who the Hero is!
They make up some bullshit to JUSTIFY the hero. The writer DECIDES FOR YOU whether or not this person is really who you should root for, by making his or her ass as PHONY-COMPLEX as possible. But a seemingly likable guy. Take for instance Harry Potter? Me? I've never read the books. Saw bits and pieces of 1 or 2 movies and could never finish it. Sue me, I'm a Man, plus American, and BLACK! Which means watching some bullshit where the Innocent White Kid is just being PICKED ON FOR WHATEVER REASON? Just doesn't fuckin mean shit to me. Now? Be careful with what I just typed, because if you're psychologically slow then you'll fall into the natural PIT-TRAP OF "Oh you sound bitter!"
Please don't PLAY YOURSELF LIKE THAT! Entertainment within itself is a DIRECT REFLECTION OF THE CREATOR AND THOSE IT FINDS AN AUDIENCE FOR, so!? A man who has lived the life of a mob enforcer wouldn't find Scarface but so funny or want to be bothered watching the Untouchables. Just as a Black Person who has endured actual slavery and bondage wouldn't find shitty-ass Django Unchained cool either.

The primary reasons behind this is because the examples I just made and the people in those examples have REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES WITH SOMETHING THAT THOSE MOVIES AND THOSE MOVIES CREATORS, just made up. So when you have real life experiences in the genres or areas that a piece of created piece of ENTERTAINMENT is depicting according to the mind's-eye OF THE CREATOR OF THIS PIECE OF ENTERTAINMENT, then from your own experiences you know when this CREATION doesn't jive with THE REALITY OF WHAT IT'S TALKING ABOUT.

My sworn-brother Art and I sat down and watched Harry Potter with my Surrogate Son Dan and about x-amount of minutes into the movie both of us were able to end the entirety of this bloated bullshit series. We understood that Voldemort was nothing more than the high school bully, but both he and Potter's parents had done enough in their time where early on in this very first movie EVERYTHING COULD HAVE BEEN RESOLVED INSTANTLY AND THE MOVIE SHOULD HAVE ENDED PRETTY QUICK! Mind you, I am being vague right here simply because we didn't even make it through the whole movie, because my sworn-brother and I are Black and have a completely different experience of life than my surrogate-son who is White. When Art and I resolved Harry Potter so quickly, Dan was in utter shock, because for him being White, this was merely entertainment, but!? For us as Black People the types of lingering game-playing that Whites can indulge in and then suspend disbelief with, DOES GET YOU KILLED GROWING UP AS A BLACK CHILD, HIGH SCHOOLER, ETC! In America in particular.

We ended up talking about THAT! More than the actual movie, because Dan was still shocked at how quickly MOST of the Black People he knew could QUICKLY SEE THROUGH A MOVIES PLOT AND INTO DEEPER MORE IMPORTANT ISSUES THAN THE MOVIE ITSELF ACTUALLY TALKED ABOUT. He was quick to say that he saw WHY White Americans and White Jews try to keep Blacks OUT OF MEDIA AND MOVIES AND TV AND CONTROL OVER THESE THINGS, because of the very fact that MOST BLACK PEOPLE? Have to make THE RIGHT CHOICE EVERY. TIME. While Whites get TRAIL-N-ERROR. One is under constant pressure TO BE PERFECT IN THEIR DECISION MAKING, while the other is able to "EXPERIENCE LIFE". Grow. And Learn from their mistakes.

This was something where my former fiancee Stacey fell for the pitfall of believing I was being bitter when I reacted negatively to her talking about and bitching about Flash Mob Dancing and Events. Where she thought they were cute, STILL PROBABLY THINKS IT'S CUTE. But then when I reacted with saying that people need to find better things to do with their time instead of disrupting daily life, she was upset that I said that, so? I then told her about how I grew up during the 80's. We used to BREAKDANCE! Remember? Black Americans INVENTED BREAKDANCING. Although it actually comes from BLACK WEST AFRICANS AND BLACK PEOPLE IN GENERAL. I might get into that another time, BUT!? I told her how when we would breakdance we did NOTHING DIFFERENT than what the Whites and the Wanna-Be Whites who do Flash Mobs and such do. We would EXPRESS OUR CREATIVITY AND SPONTANEOUSLY PICK A GREAT SPOT! SET UP A CIRCLE, SOME CARDBOARD MAYBE TO BACKSPIN ON, then we'd GET DOWN!


A crowd of young Black People dancing around on the sidewalk or in heavy traffic areas or even in the park or playground, how do you think the White People and THE WHITE AMERICAN POLICE RESPONDED TO THAT? You think they told us "Damn you guys are AWESOME! LEMME SEE THAT TOP-ROCKIN AND POPPIN AGAIN! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! THAT'S SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, FRESH!" then we had the giant radios, BOOM-BOXES! Do you think that the Whites walking by were like "LEMME HEAR THAT AFRICA BAMBATAA AGAIN! ZULU NATION!? TURN IT UP!"
Do you?
Ya feelin lucky...? Punk!

Kids by the way....
Just need to point that out to you.
During this time in American history you couldn't actually work without a job permit when you were below 17. The crack-epidemic had also begun to wipe out Black American Communities. DOWNSIZING, was also taking place. And Reagan and Bush both REPEALED all of those bloody, hard-fought for, costing us in Black Lives, Discrimination Laws that the Whites had put on the books in the Late-60's and Early-70's. So bear in mind that the Discrimination Laws that made it possible for Black Americans to bring charges against bigoted Whites to AT LEAST start an investigation into whether or not discrimination was taking place?

They didn't even make it to the 80's before they started getting destroyed. Whites also began bringing in massive waves of Latinos, Asians, Hispanics, etc. Directly after Black Americans in got the Anti-Discrimination Laws passed in 1964. The Whites immediately turned around and created an Immigration Bill in 1965 and IMMEDIATELY started bringing in Non-Black-Non-Whites to "reward Our Grandparents and Parents" for forcing them to recognize our rights to even exist in this country.

And I needed to TYPE THIS FOR YOU, so you have a timeline and can see for yourself how Whites do their dirt. All of what I type is easy for you to look up YOURSELF, it's not very hard. But I needed YOU TO SEE, that Evil. Heroes. And Villains? They don't come with rub-off decals that tell if they are an Autobot or a Decepticon.
YOU ARE LUCKY, when Good-&-Evil is that BLATANTLY DEFINED. So coming back around, I needed to type this little tidbit, so that you can also see that while my friends and I were kids trying to have a little fun and express ourselves? Our parents and grandparents were under assault again and trying to do the right thing by shielding us from growing up to be bigots by not telling us about what I just typed. Where our parents are fighting to keep jobs. That Our so-called Leaders told us to abandon Black Empowerment in favor of Integration, then the Whites turn around and dump crack cocaine into our neighborhoods and wipe us out with drugs. Illegal-guns also began to overrun Black American Communities at the same time. Whites in power, who believe in Acceptable Losses, begin to Downsize jobs in America at this same time, limiting even more options of employment for Our Parents. And putting more pressure on them to conform when they go to work and get insulted and humiliated, because they can't be sure they will find another job. And lastly?

For the record?

My former fiancee, Stacey, was a Coloured South African Woman who grew up during Apartheid. Lost family. To these same types of intentionally jury-rigged conditions. Yet? When we had this conversation and I reacted negatively to the whole Flash Mob-Phenom which has DIED DOWN CONSIDERABLY, now hasn't it. Real interesting how quickly it came and went, but? Stacey experienced the same TYPES of pressure and situations, but her family was and is, Coloured. Where Coloureds held a higher standing than Black South Africans. But lower than White South Africans, land thieves and invaders that they are.

But somehow?

Stacey just didn't get it. She believed I was being bitter when I said these things to her.

But the reality was and is, what she was actually showing me? And showing herself?

Was that she was and still is, a coward. The type of Non-White that Whites love. The type that will go along with attempts to retell-and-resell history, because it shows just how cruel and meticulous, Whites are, when they want something. How far they will go to keep their power. And lose no sleep over who it destroys, even children, as long as it isn't them. Or their children. It was very interesting to see how Stacey showed ZERO EMPATHY. Zero understanding. And ZERO COMPASSION. Yet this woman wonders why she is surrounded by people, particularly MEN, myself included according to her, who have NO COMPASSION. With the unspoken part in her complaint being, NO COMPASSION TOWARDS HER. For the record? A man, regardless of race or place, never has compassion towards A WOMAN THAT THEY KNOW HAS NO COMPASSION FOR OTHERS. Only passive-aggressive. Pussified and cowardly. Contempt. Resentment. And honest bitterness, because the men around her won't let her live her fairytale-princess dream of no accountability. And no responsibility, when she decides to approve of rape and molestation. Child abuse. Child endangerment. And a whole list of other infractions where it shows that the reason why she couldn't relate to what I said was because when SHE saw the reality and the truth of how Apartheid was destroying her family, her people, her friends, her neighbors...?

She decided.
To block it all out.
Which does happen... From time-to-time, when you are a child exposed to horrible... Horrible things. And look at that? Just typing THE REALITY of what has gone on in just my mere amount of existence on this earth, look at how LONNNNNNNNNNNNG this post has become because of it. Look at how long this post is just giving you AN HONEST ASSESSMENT, a REAL ASSESSMENT, of what has actually gone on and then giving you this Black Cameraman-look into an example. Then a quick PAN-OUT so you can see EVENTS GOING ON AT THAT TIME and see how it helps to shape that timeline and then impacts those in it right down to me as a child and everyone else too within all of that. Even giving you a view into my former fiancee and how relationships when built by people who have suffered through oppression?

If one side comes out hardened and tempered as a Sword.
While the other side comes out dull and brittle as a Sword.
When these two swords are used by a person, we know what will happen. You know what will happen, right?
The dull and brittle one, unless you're a fool, you already KNOW that it's unreliable. YOU KNOW it's gonna break! So what do YOU DO, YOU USE THE GOOD SWORD....

Till you break it from overuse. ^_^

In that FACTUAL ANALOGY, both Stacey and I are the Swords, but who is the Holder of the Swords?
In both instances both swords users are HER AND I, from our INDIVIDUAL PERSPECTIVES OF OUR RELATIONSHIP. Tell me something, ask yourself this; Who is Stacey gonna rely on when she knows her own psychological state on her end of Our Relationship? Which sword is she going to use when times get tough or things don't go right? Which sword has the ability to cut through bad times or uncertainty?

Which sword am I going to use? When I know that Stacey wasn't forged properly and is brittle? In times of uncertainty? When things become psychologically muddy, or clouded, which sword will I use to cut through this so that their is clarity and clear skies for us?

This DYNAMIC, is a MAJOR ISSUE IN THE PSYCHOLOGY OF THE OPPRESSED WHEN IT COMES TO OUR RELATIONSHIPS! It does manifest itself in ways where those who are oppressed and have BEEN oppressed, their children and them, have to sort through the psychological fallout of their experiences. And being honest about THAT PART ALONE, often times leads to attempts to try to hide from everyone else the fact that THEY COULDN'T DEAL WITH IT. And in turn BECAUSE OF IT, cannot deal with things now. Mind you? I've typed some very negative and inflammatory things just now about Stacey. Some of you may say that I am trying to do this to get even or slander her, no.

I'm simply tired of keeping secrets for people, usually women, and not always women I've been involved with, but nonetheless. I'm simply tired of being the Keeper of Secrets for PEOPLE who just don't deserve to have me carrying around their sins while they lie and misrepresent themselves all in preparation to repeat the same horrible sins to someone else, with someone else, and then look crazy when their next victim "mysteriously turns on them". Plus? I can prove what I say. So please remember that. I am fully aware that typing something I have no proof for, or of, is stupid. And cowardly within itself. There are times that I've gotten so down that I have honestly wished I was that petty, narrow minded and selfish. But thankfully, I've always understood that all that is is frustration, and that I'm still human. But I can't allow that frustration to honestly impact MY DECISION MAKING. I've actually lived life and learned that when you are in situations like Oppression, regardless of what kind of oppression it is. You HAVE TO BE HONEST WITH ONE ANOTHER, because it is THROUGH ONE ANOTHER THAT YOU WILL SURVIVE OPPRESSION. Not through money given to you BY YOUR OPPRESSOR. Not through KISSIN-ASS and showing you'll be a GOOD LITTLE SELLOUT, good little ACCESSORY TO OPPRESSION, and Hear Nothing, Say Nothing, And Do Nothing about it.

It's difficult to keep the secrets of people that you know are actually a danger to themselves and others around them and they are shameless in their treachery and willful cowardice. Let me wrap this up and post it, because I know it'll give you something to think about and I also know it'll cause you to form even more outlooks on me as the person who typed it. And I welcome that. I really do, because HONEST CONVERSATION AND INTROSPECTION? I've never been afraid of it. And I've always encouraged it. So now I'm gonna POST the Lucy Liu Bio so you can see yet another side of who I am and enjoy seeing how ALL OF THE AFOREMENTIONED is one aspect of ME, while everything to follow regarding my catfight-writing is ANOTHER ASPECT OF ME. ENJOY! And I'll talk to you...



Born: December 2nd, 1968 Height: 5’3” Weight: 120lbs Eyes: Brown Orientation: Chiaki-chan… Vivica and her Two Little Bitches, Jeri and her Girls, and Geese… and his, that’s NOT GOIN IN ME, MISTER! Now I’m gonna get a call from Asians who Love Black men who’ll bitch a fit and say dumb shit like “Lucy you traitor! How dare you spread rumors about the size of Black men’s blah-blah-blah” oh? Sorry, supposed ta be… fillin out this insane bio so that all of the internet can know all of my business, fine! Measurements: I have small tits with big nipples! Not as big as Bai Ling’s though, good lord have you seen those things?! Somebody called’em, baby chokers! HA-HA! Ahem. I also have a tiny waist and, ready for this one? A Black man loves my ass, LITERALLY! Ba-dum-BUMP! Thank YOU! I’ll be here all week! So THERE! YA HAPPY NOW!? God this is probably making me seem… really bitchy… Where’s my publicist!?!? WHAT DO I PAY HER FOR!?!? Years Catfighting: I was catfighting when the Han Dynasty ruled China… that’s pretty damn old, isn’t it?! You probably… think I’m talking about Han as in Han Solo from Star Wars, don’tcha… Jerk.
Lucy LiuPrevious League: Fine, I’ll be serious for a moment… G3L, NNL, EEL, SF-CF, Liberty League of NYC
Previous Belts: G3L Champ 1x, G3L IC Champ 2x’s, NNL World Champ 1x, Queen of Honshu 2x’s, NNL Queen of Hokkaido 1x, NNL Shikoku Queen 2x’s, EEL World Champ 1x, EEL Chinese Champ 2x, EEL Korean Champ 1x, EEL Japan Champ 1x, SF-CF Queen 1x, SF-CF TV Champ 1x, SF-CF Femme Fatale 2x’s
Finishing Moves: Dirty Bitch! (Low-blow then schoolgirl with panty grab or grab onto anything that can help pin the bitch for the 3 count!), Triple Leg-Drop! (Delivers three consecutive LEG-DROPS! TO THE TITS AND THROAT!), FINAL CUT! (Cunt-kick to stoop and stun bitch, then she springs off of the ropes and delivers an AXE-KICK TO THE BACK OF THE NECK!), SECOND CUT! (Cunt-kick to stun and stoop! Then she does a Running AXE-KICK TO THE NECK AND SHOULDER!)
Strengths: Veteran experience and has an international catfighting background, great fighter, great at using weapons, Mistress of Weapons, great showmanship, great at avoiding taunts and ploys when forewarned or aware, ultra-aggressive, Mistress of Dirty Tactics and Win-at-All-Cost, attacks exposed or perceived weaknesses early and often, abilities increase in title matches, can take an ass-whipping, can win long matches, abilities increase with her own momentum run, does not submit, stubborn, Chinese American Princess (but she will deny this heavily and rightfully so), stubborn, good brawler, Dragonlady, understands BDSM, as bizarre as it sounds she is eager to learn and grow and is quite coachable under Geese, skills increase dramatically when managed by Geese, Skills increase when working with Chiaki and/or Vivica, Geese
Weaknesses: Extremely bad temper that can cause her to hurt her own cause or cost her momentum and matches, can get sidetracked due to her crappy temper, tits, even though she can take a lot of punishment she can’t take it in heavy doses, vulnerable to offensive barrages and long momentum runs by opponents, takes abnormally high damage whenever she misses a Finisher and gets hit directly after or as she misses, can be chain-stunned till KO, does not submit, Chinese American Princess but moreso from her desire to be accepted, low psyche but bolsters it with her stubbornness, did I mention she’s stubborn, bizarre behavior can cause instability in a stable or group, staying on her wears her out mentally, once worn out mentally she rarely wins, power moves and body attacks wear her out physically and mentally, womanhandling, Dragonlady, ring awareness decreases as situation goes against her, emotions can get away from her causing her to fuck-up, Chiaki, Vivica, Geese

Lucy Liu… is a part of Geese Howard’s celebrity catfighting stable, VLK. She is the L, in the group, sometimes in more ways than she wants to be. But all crappy puns aside she is also one of “The 3” and most definitely the most troublesome in Geese’s bizarre Love Triangle. She is jealous of Vivica’s shameless crawling all over Geese, because frankly Lucy isn't comfortable enough to do it even though a large part of her really does want to constantly be up underneath him. She’s also envious of Chiaki-chan’s utter faith in Geese where Chiaki simply doesn't doubt that when she needs him, he’ll be there like always. No, Lucy is somewhere between Vivica’s unashamed displays of emotion and affection regardless of how it makes her look. And Chiaki’s cool-crappy young J-idol self-assuredness that Geese will always do right by her no matter what. It frustrates Lucy to see the two of them so secure while insecurity swirls around her like one of those goddamn hurricane symbols on the weather channel! And as you may or may not have heard, a frustrated Lucy? Is a bit of an unpredictable troublemaker. Lucy is the squeaky wheel who doesn't get the grease, but DEMANDS to be greased, or else!? She is impulsiveBRASH! HASTY! TEMPERAMENTAL!!!! COMBATIVE! AND

Painfully terrified of the fact that she has fallen for a man who is not afraid of being honest with her, and worse…? He expects her to be honest with him. Of The 3, Lucy is the most vulnerable and the most squeamish about the fact that all of her innuendo and talk!? Is now flat-smack-square in her LAP! Oh she talks a good game about being secure in yourself and knowing who you are and “If I fell in love with a woman” blah-blah-BLAH! However? Love and relationships, securing her own “self”!? Has been one helluva hurdle for Yu Ling to climb. She doesn't even attempt to use her actual Chinese name, something that she poo-poo’s away, but it says something, quietly… subtly, about Lucy Alexis Liu. She’d retired from celebrity catfighting years ago. Once she finished Kill Bill in 2003, that was pretty much the end of her career in celebrity catfighting, she was so sure that Kill Bill’s success would make it so she’d never have to lace’em up ever again! She never could get into Stone Rage’s, Battle Zone League. Something that pissed her off to no end in private! But with his deep connections she didn't dare bitch-too much, least she end up cutting off her nipple to spite her tit!

Lucy has lived a life… of extreme polar opposites. She was a child laborer and worked in harsh conditions and essentially repressed it, or so she’d claimed. The reality was that it hurt. And she had no one to tell it to, no one, even as she got older, that she could confide in. And of course no one rescued her, no one “rode in” and saved the day, like all those TV shows and bedtime stories that she would read about and see. She was teased mercilessly as unattractive and got no attention from boys, but surrounded by images of White girls and White women? It made her feel even smaller and even more insecure. Never mind that her father was ultra-strict and her mother had not nearly a clue on how to properly dress her for an American high schooling, so… She often times looked boyish and gawky, geeky. Add to that the fact that she learned English late! Even though she was born here she was not exposed to the language, until her mother had no choice but to send her off to school! Take that as a lovely background and foundation and what you get is a girl always struggling with herself, with her place in society and even with her family. Then turn this hot mess from 0 to 60 where she slaves her way through Hollywood, often times taking parts that quite frankly would get somebody hurt! But she couldn’t turn back and she didn’t dare go back to her family a LOSER! Not when some of them were ohhh so supportive of her decision. So… she took whatever came her way… And I mean… whatever… came her way… And in Hollywood? Once that kind of reputation gets around, it leads to trouble. So while she has made a fortune she found it to be a bittersweet reward as she had been unable to find something that she often times convinced herself was not as important as she would tell the press, during her rare times of talking to them candidly…

Love. Companionship. Someone to come home to or to have come home and just… To know that this person was, WELL IT DIDN’T HAPPEN! And the role reversal from unwanted teen to journeywoman college girl who got in over her head a couple of times! To sudden stardom and success at the ripe young age of 30! A little late… to start finally getting your love life off the ground. And no, she wasn’t the 30 Year Old Virgin or some shit like that! But… she’d never really had the “normal growing pains” that 90% of the rest of American teenagers went through, so here she was at THIRTY FUCKIN YEARS OLD… and finally involved in her first real relationship… You can guess how it ended… Quietly… but badly. Carrying around all that baggage? Never getting the chance to talk to that “special someone” that would listen and… WAKE UP! I’M TALKING HERE!

Yeah, it was kinda like that. So, Lucy drifted and wandered while quietly resenting the rest of us “normal folk” for being able to at least have loved and lost a couple of times over. Then… in late 2002 into 2003 she met Vivica and Chiaki for the first time… And things just got WEIRD! It was love at first sight! As far as Chiaki and Vivica was always ready to hangout and listen and shoot the shit! But not just shoot the shit, but actually… Be there for her. A few times she swore Vivica caught her eyeing her! But Lucy soon became hopelessly enamored with Chiaki, which… Quickly turned into awkward ass moments of Lucy trying to get her mack on… with a 16 year old Japanese schoolgirl… That just… just sounds and looks wrong. And although Chiaki was nice about it, it became pretty clear that she wasn’t into Lucy like that. The reality was that Lucy had forgotten that Chiaki had never been outside of Japan in all honesty and she was just trying to take everything in and the magnitude and the!? Then one of the co-stars starts hitting on her. Never mind that the director was already doing that. Couple pervs who worked at the lot… Her manager… Some smelly salary-man that kept sending her love letters… Shit like that! So Lucy was kinda dog-piling on the rabbit. But as time passed and Kill Bill winded down… They connected… SORT OF! And this would lead to Chiaki bidding Lucy farewell, and Lucy… seeing for the first time at one of the post production parties… A gloomy looking… and imposing… Black man that clearly wasn’t a part of the crew, a VIP maybe? Later that night after a whole bunch of rabble rousing, Lucy encountered him again, with a woman dressed to kill, but the color coordination… Looked almost like one of those maid outfits without all the other crap. Either way, he spoke with Lucy, who was uninterested in whatever he was saying, but he left her a card. She was none too pleased with the way that his bitch kept eyeing her, especially with her fake ass French accent… French Fucker! It would be years later before she’d ever see him or that bitch again, but the rest, as they say, has become history… 

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