Thursday, December 31, 2015

Closing Out 2016 & some Final Reflections on How Far I've Come.....

Good Evening from PHILADELPHIA!

Sitting here listening to TBA's 12/27/16 broadcast called It's What You Can Prove and a lot rings true of what I used to waste my time talking to my mother, Stacey, my Ex-Wife, etc. Until the last few months showed me and the years past that, talking to people who really don't give a fuck about anything except for either themselves or silly-shit?

I can't spend time talking to people like them when I have MY OWN SON TO SAVE along with Myself and those who HONESTLY give a fuck. Never mind how everything went with my gofundme page and here. I got a much needed taste of reality and a reminder that talking to people online IS NOT THE SAME AS TALKING TO PEOPLE FACE-TO-FACE and then networking and working with them.

I've finished eating dinner. And I just got a notice for Tariq's next video called 12-Years a Space Slave, where he talks about THE REACTIONS HE'S GOTTEN for CORRECTLY calling that Fuck-Up Finn character the coon that he is. So I'm gonna post that right now and keep on moving towards 2016. But it was VERY INTERESTING to listen and to BE LISTENING TO this TBA video where he is just stating FACTS. About what needs to be done and why. Just? Really interesting to listen to how he is breaking shit down and highlighting things that I used to waste my time talking to the aforementioned people and for each of them it was like it was some sort of joke.


I've got mine, so?
We got time.
Why you talking doom and gloom!?
And it's like, do you fuckin see what the fuck is going on out here?
And for them it was, NOPE.

Just interesting on my part that I kept on spending so much energy trying to talk sense into them or get them to understand the GRAVITY of the situation. But in the end, each of them ACKNOWLEDGED IN THEIR OWN WAY THAT THEY ACTUALLY HEARD. UNDERSTOOD. AND KNEW WHAT THE HELL I WAS SAYING AND THEY SIMPLY DID NOT AND DO NOT CARE. For as long as NOBODY IS UP IN THEIR FACE. And NOTHING IS HAPPENING TO THEM DIRECTLY.

Here is the video from Tariq Nasheed;

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