Monday, December 14, 2015

Is America Racially Diverse Where it Matters?

Good Morning.
From Upper Darby.
It has been a while since I have typed the words, here is the article;

Is America Racially Diverse Where it Matters?

By Victor Ochieng
A quick look at the U.S. gives an image of a racially diverse nation, a sign that people of all walks of life participate in running the country. There have, however, been murmurs in diverse quarters about white domination of all sensitive organs of the government.
There is no doubt that the halls that define power and authority in the U.S., including those used to strike legislative deals, are unarguably white.

It doesn’t mean that you won’t find a few elements here and there drawn from different racial backgrounds though. However, when it comes to some of the highest ranks such as the senior-level Senate staff, you realize that they’re very, very white.
In case you doubt that, a new Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies report released on Thursday December 3 reaffirmed this worrisome reality.

The senior-level Senate staff is very instrumental in shaping the direction the country takes in terms of legislative agenda. They work hand in hand with the lawmakers, advising them on priority policies, working on the text details of bills, and provide the lawmakers with lines of arguments that would help bills sail through. Together with representatives of some of the leading companies and nonprofits, these people really define the law. This is also the clique that has far running powers to both hire and fire other senate employees, including senate committees. Even more interesting is the fact that they’re the same people who carry out background checks on individuals recommended for judicial positions, federal jobs, and Cabinet secretaries. To put it plainly, these are the people who have a strong grip on the senate, although they’re only working behind the curtains.

The study reveals that people of color represent only 7.1% of all senior-level Senate employees. This is in spite of the fact that people of color represent 36% of the U.S. population and 28% of those eligible to vote.
Such figures are appalling even as much as they represent improvement compared to 10 years ago when people of color made only 6% of all senate staff.
To put it in perspective, there are 336 top senate positions yet there are only 24 people of color in these positions. Although African Americans account for 13% of the American population, they account for less than 1% in the top senate jobs.

Some have argued that maybe these minority groups don’t have enough people qualified to hold these positions, but facts state otherwise. To hold a staff job at Capitol Hill, all that one needs is a bachelor’s degree. Statistics show that there are more Asians with bachelor’s degree than any other racial or ethnic group in the U.S. Asians are followed by whites and then African Americans.

The truth of the matter is, the process of recruiting Senate staff is skewed. Openings are advertised internally, preventing all who’re eligible from knowing about them. Because entry jobs as a Senate staff pay significantly low amounts, the report recommends making the pay more competitive by offering loans, other resources and grants channeled towards these positions. Doing so would help support these employees so that even those with school loans can afford to repay and still have enough money to lead descent lives.
So if you're still here after reading that article, LET'S TAKE A LOOK AT IT! First and foremost, the article is actually childish in nature where it acts as if White share power with Non-Whites. It also attempts to gloss over the history of Nazi-America for foolishness and fairy tales. Whites DO NOT EVEN SHARE POWER WITH WHITES. If you are a White Person who is NOT a part of the upper caste-class, then you are just as expendable as whenever it is Non-Whites enter into the area, particularly My Own People. So with THAT FACT as the basis for everything, I honestly DO NOT SEE THE POINT OF THE ARTICLE. Where this is from off of Financial Juneteenth, Dr. Boyce Watkins site. 

The article highlights something that we as Blacks already know, which is that Whites funnel power to and amongst themselves. They DO NOT advertise outside of their existing power structure, thus keeping the status quo the status quo. Again? This is NOT ANYTHING NEW OR NEWS WORTHY. Even the very image that was a part of the article;
Clone-like, CLONE-LOOKING, Whites, YOUNG. 
Where it looks like they are being and HAVE BEEN funneled to follow in the footsteps of their White-Liberal and White-Conservative Parents, who are BOTH DEMOCRAT DAD AND REPUBLICAN MOM, where for all the bullshit show that is put on these two still went on ahead. Dated. Got married. Bickered and fought PUBLICLY, while PRIVATELY MAKING POLICIES THAT ONLY SUIT WHITES. 

They then had the clone-children pictured above, who are able to PUT ON A GOOD FACE. Put on A GOOD SHOW of CONCERN AND EMPATHY and whatever other PROGRAMMABLY NEEDED EMOTION OF THE MOMENT so that votes continue to come in. SUPPORT AND DONATIONS AND CAMPAIGN FUNDS ARE ABLE TO BE RAISED in MOMMY-N-DADDY'S NAMES. Where at the end of the day not one fuckin thing will be altered. Changed. Or RESOLVED. The Status Quo will be MAINTAINED and it will fall SOLELY ON THE AFFECTED/EFFECTED PARTIES TO HAVE THEIR OWN SHIT IN ORDER TO BE ABLE TO DEAL WITH OR EVEN DESTROY WHATEVER THE LATEST POLICY-SHAM, has been enacted  by the Whites in power and THEIR CHILDREN WHO WILL REPLACE THEM.

Again, the article DOES NOT TALK ABOUT how Whites PASS ON THEIR POLITICAL POWER, the same way they pass on THEIR WEALTH. And they ACTIVELY SEEK TO STOP AND DESTROY OUR ABILITY TO DO THE SAME. This is what is done when people are at war with another people. I am not typing anything INSIGHTFUL. Or new. This weekend has been interesting. This entire situation with My Apartment has been interesting. It is just blatantly obvious to see that Whites have worked FOR GENERATIONS to divide and divide and REWARD FOR DIVISION by and amongst us as Blacks and we continue to play this game as if we are not being INTENTIONALLY ATTACKED AND TARGETED AND FORCED APART. 


I had a Black Teenage boy throw orange soda in my face while I was working the drive through yesterday and I even got MY HANDS ON HIM. Till I had to realize that, what do I do with him now that I have him? Do I pull him INSIDE THE DRIVE THROUGH PICK-UP WINDOW AND DO WHAT WITH HIM? BEAT HIM UP? HOLD HIM TILL THE NAZI-COPS COME? REPORT IT TO MY SO-CALLED MANAGER ON DUTY AT THE TIME?

I let him go.

And he ran away. 

But it wasn't his STUPIDITY that ended up standing out the most. It wasn't the fact that RIGHT NOW, with EVERYTHING GOING ON WHERE NAZI-COPS ARE KILLING BLACKMEN AND BLACKTEENS AND BLACKBOYS! At INCREDIBLE CLIPS. Where? Why would you want to PLAY AROUND AND DO SOMETHING SO NASTY AND SPITEFUL, when all I had to do was call the Nazi-Cops and say I think he had a gun on him and he's running down 69th street right now. Where?

I'd have put EVERY BLACK MALE WALKING DOWN 69TH STREET IN DANGER BY DOING THAT. Or worse, simply by calling the Nazi-Cops, where the Blackwoman whose car was just pulling away, some of the orange soda got on her car and she was utterly shocked and she said "You wanna call the police!? I'd call the police!" and she was REALLY UPSET! Till I told her "And if the Nazi-cops kill him?"

And the look on her face...?
See, and THIS IS WHAT I AM TYPING ABOUT. The moment I brought her back to REALITY!? The look on HER FACE...? She sat back down in her car and she just looked SO. HOPELESSLY LOST! And she just said "Yeah...? Wow. Yeah." and I told her "I COULD CALL THE COPS. Yeah, BUT!? Does his STUPIDITY of throwing orange soda in my face BECAUSE OF THE TWO JACKASSES WITH HIM THAT PUT HIM UP TO IT, can I BE SURE THAT THEY WON'T KILL HIM AFTER I CALL THEM?"

And you see?
All that BLUSTER AND BRAVADO AND BULLSHIT TALKING THAT WE DO WAY TOO MUCH OF? The moment I brought her back to REALITY!? She was LOOKING TO ME, AS A MAN, ON WHAT TO DO. And I told her "I'm gonna let him go, because I CAN'T TRUST that the Upper Darby Police with all that body armor and camo and SHIT! Won't kill his ass, and then what?" and when I said that she just looked at me and said "No. I don't want him to get killed." so now? This article, worried about DIVERSITY in the Nazi-American Halls of Power where THEY WORK OVERTIME TO KEEP US OUT, means NOTHING TO ME AND HAS NO VALUE. Because IN REALITY, I was more concerned about the fact that THAT BLACK BOY YESTERDAY, was egged on by TYPICAL PEER PRESSURE to do something STUPID! Where I had to STOP AND REMIND the Blackwoman customer who also got her car splashed by the orange soda;

We can't even call the police because WE KNOW THERE IS A 50-50 CHANCE THAT THEY WILL KILL SOME YOUNG AND DUMB PUNK! Who is going through the NORMAL TRIALS OF TRIBULATIONS OF BEING A TEENAGER. Peer pressure. Where he even LOOKED GUILTY as he was doing what he was doing, for the approval of his SO-CALLED FRIENDS. Getting CONTROL over what is directly IN FRONT OF US, IN FRONT OR ME. Is what is going to allow for the day to CONFRONT AND DESTROY THE BIGOTS WHO HIDE IN THE HALLS OF POWER and not until I OR WE CAN CONTROL WHERE WE ARE. Can we CONFIDENTLY TAKE ON WHITES OR ANYONE ELSE safely hidden away and confident that they can fuck us over without fear or reprisal....

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