Saturday, January 9, 2016

Megadriver PRESENTS the FOUNDER of PAGAN-CORP! Charles. Pagan.

I literally JUST FINISHED the picture of PAGAN-CORP's Mischief-Making Arrogant-Egotist, Charles Pagan!
Before coming to Our Earth the man who would BECOME Charles Pagan was a GOOD ENOUGH intelligence-agent for the Tanis Dragon Dynasty of Tanis Island located in the otherdimension of Underworld-Realm.
   The Tanis Dragonoids are HUMANOID dragons who are one of the FEW Primordial-Races of Underworld-Realm to have actually RESISTED being enslaved by the Primordial-Mang.
   Like the Mang, Tanis Dragons have the ability to evolve based on their situation and circumstances. But UNLIKE the Mang they do not and DID NOT center their ENTIRE EXISTENCE around their evolutionary-ability and SHUNNING anything and everything else.
   The Tanis Dragons ARE WARLIKE. But are NOT MINDLESSLY VIOLENT like the Primordial-Mangs were, which is another reason why they were able to defeat the Tanis-Mangs of Tanis Island and then KEEP OUT all other Mangs during the Primordial Period of Underworld-Realms existence.
   This information was either ALLOWED to be STOLEN by Pagan or was LEAKED to the top human governments of the 1900s during a time when quite frankly Pagan had already been active since the early 1800s. The bottom line is that mankind ran afoul of Charles Pagan when;
#1) Upon appearing on Our Earth during the 1800s he found his own movements hampered because of racial bigotry! Now? To YOU AND ME, ay, we're human beings. We can't fuckin turn into gigantic fuckin monstrosities and start fucking up shit because somebody called us a nigger or DEMANDED that you SHOW ME YOUR FREE PAPERS BOY!
   However, for Charles Pagan, or the man who would BECOME, Charles Pagan. I mean, I think you can easily figure out that he found this kind of shit COMICAL. At first. Then it QUICKLY BECAME ANNOYING when Whites and their "selective slaves" would attempt to LAY HANDS ON HIM OR!? Tell him that he needs to UNNERSTAND HOW THINGS IZ, whatever the fuck THAT MEANS!?
   Needless to say that plenty of PEOPLE went missing and various small towns as well when Pagan would become TIRED of the human "hospitality". The FACT that Pagan looks like a Black American and was "treated" like a Black American would become the primary reason for his complete meddling in human history once the second shoe dropped;

#2) Tanis Dragon Dynasty gave Pagan absolute freedom to do as he pleased once they were sure that ALL TRACES of mankind's Martian-roots and technology had been COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN ABOUT!

Initially!? Tanis Dragon Dynasty Intelligence swore that the humans were simply TRYING TO PLAY DUMB! To test Pagan's abilities since there used to be BAD BLOOD between the two dimensions ten's of thousands of years ago! HOWEVER!? Once Pagan sent them CONCLUSIVE PROOF! That the humans of TODAY, had NO ARCANE ABILITIES. And PATHETIC PHYSICAL ABILITIES AND INTELLECT! In comparison to THEIR PARENTS?!
All INTEREST was LOST by the Dragon Dynasty and Pagan was given FULL-AUTONOMY to do as he PLEASED on the pathetic little backwater planet of primitives! He was THEN PROVIDED WITH his first batch of bioengineered Mang, which would become the Zero-Mang of PAGAN-CORP. Charles Pagan then began to ACTIVELY set up his PAGAN-CORPORATION and enjoy the pathetic attempts to burn him and his companies and little towns! He LOVED THE HORSEBACK RIDING FOOLS AND IDIOTS AND THEIR CUTE LITTLE COWLS AND BED SHEETS! Or the BLATANT ATTEMPTS to use POLITICS to create LAWS! To block his

And he always killed anyone after a certain point. Until he realized that he could either OUTRIGHT RULE THE WORLD, or!? Fall back. And MAKE SURE. That while the human-monkeys may well BE DUMB AND PATHETIC...? As a trained intelligence officer of the Dragon Dynasty he realized that while the parents may well be AWAY...? His constant FUCKING with their RETARDED IDIOTIC CHILDREN might BRING THEM BACK. And the last thing he DIDN'T WANT was to trip some leftover alarm system hidden and buried somewhere on earth meant to alert the offworld parent population of Martians and bring them RACING BACK from wherever they'd flown off into the earth-dimensions universe, sight-seeing or fucking around!


He fell back. And...? Kinda. Sorta?
Fit in.
Charles Pagan?
Was and probably STILL IS, a dick to humans. He has a higher TOLERANCE for Blacks, because he had to EXPERIENCE what life was like for them. He has SUPPOSEDLY, ALLEGEDLY, fled back to the Dragon Dynasty due to the "crafty humans" use of nuclear energy to BLOCK passage back-n-forth to HIS HOME REALM. Pagan however has in the past pretended to be dead. Faked his own death. Disguised himself as other HUMAN world leaders, SO!? Nobody is REALLY SURE if he's actually GONE or just FUCKIN WITH HUMANS AGAIN and will eventually reveal himself to be one of the current world leaders and then laugh cause it was funny!

Even though...?
He did cause WWII and the Rise of the Nazi Empire of the Third Reich.
In his warped mind of humans, he felt it interesting to see how FAR would HUMANS honestly allow for OPEN ANNIHILATION OF ONE TYPE OF HUMAN VERSUS WHAT THEY'D DONE AGAINST THE TYPE OF HUMAN HE LOOKS LIKE. Needless to say, nobody laughed at his little "experiment".

And quite frankly?
Neither did he.
Which is why he then turned around and FUNDED the rise of the African Empire to BALANCE THINGS OUT! Needless to say THAT DIDN'T MAKE HIM ANYMORE FRIENDS EITHER!
He is also DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for the American Empire losing its Southeast Imperial American Asian Territories. Where he aided Anti-Imperial American Rebels and Insurgents in toppling Imperial American control over them!

In one of the last interviews he did he was asked "Why have you done all of these things, good and bad, when you can just go home whenever you want?"
And his reply was;
"That's a stupid question, but? I understand why you're asking me this. You want me to simply just leave. Just, go home. Go back where I came from. And just!? Leave you all alone. Hmphf!? If I had a dollar or a pound or a mark for every time someone told me that I just needed to GO HOME! Go back to Africa! Back to where I...? But? I don't COME, from Africa. FOOL! But because I LOOK a certain way, now you, HA! Now!? You!? A White-human, want me, YOUR SUPERIOR. To just...!? Go home. I wonder how many Africans said that to your kind? Or how many Indians said that? Can you picture it. Squint your eyes with me, TRY IT! They were probably all just like!? Why can't you JUST!? Go. Home. Well? Like you said to them, I now say TO YOU! No. I won't. Because? You can't make me. And furthermore to finish this pathetic attempt to pretend to give a fuck about anything except for trying to find some magical Negro weak spot of mine...! I've done what I have done... because? I CAN. And I'll keep doing as I please. Because? You. Can't. Stop me. And make sure you get that all in bold print. I hate seeing a shitty headline with my name attached to it. Off you go monkey, GET OUT!"

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