Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Little Bit of Racial Reality and Reflection....


So the latest testament to Nazi-American STUPIDITY and blatant bigotry is standing here with Nazi-Cop GI Joe Gliniewicz, where as I said before, White Collar Crimes in Nazi-America are LITERALLY DOMINATED BY WHITES AND ARE JOKINGLY ENFORCED. Which is why so many Whites ENGAGE IN THEM because they know that the Risk vs. Reward PAYOFF is VERY HIGH!

White Nazi-Americans ALREADY KNOW that BLATANT OPEN AGGRESSION'S LIKE THIS could lead to trouble with foreign nations. Keywords being COULD LEAD, not, WILL LEAD. The EXTERMINATION of the Native American Indian Population was as cold as the other side of the pillow. Intentionally planned. Plotted. AND EXECUTED. The same way someone goes into work and then gets down to whatever business they are there to do. You do not need me or anyone else to PROVE THIS. Because PLENTY of very real records and incidents are there, are here, and wherever else you wish to look, all across the internet and in historical texts and tomes.

This same cold, clinical, and calculating approach has always been directed at Us as Black Americans. Which is why there have been generations of Blacks more concerned about kissing White American ass instead of pushing for a comprehensive game plan of self-defense and autonomy. The Nazi-Cop is a critical control-cog to monitor and influence Black Communities throughout Nazi-America and then influence in whichever way is needed or desired at any given time of Nazi-American history.

People like to pretend like Blacks could join the Nazi-Cops, but this only became recent over the last 50 years;

Black American Race Rebellions, 1963–70

By the end of World War II, more than half of the country's Black population lived in Northern and Western industrial cities rather than Southern rural areas.[165] Migrating to those cities for better job opportunities, education and to escape legal segregation, Black Americans often found segregation that existed in fact rather than in law.
While after the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan was not prevalent, by the 1960s other problems prevailed in northern cities. Beginning in the 1950s, deindustrialization and restructuring of major industries: railroads and meatpacking, steel industry and car industry, markedly reduced working-class jobs, which had earlier provided middle-class incomes. As the last population to enter the industrial job market, Blacks were disadvantaged by its collapse. At the same time, investment in highways and private development of suburbs in the postwar years had drawn many ethnic whites out of the cities to newer housing in expanding suburbs. Urban Blacks who did not follow THE WHITE middle class out of the cities became concentrated in the older housing of inner city neighborhoods, among the poorest in most major cities. (Note that this information tells you that IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE for Us to follow Whites out of the INTENTIONAL ECONOMIC TSUNAMIS THEY WERE INTENTIONALLY CREATING, but if the reader does not stay on point and REMEMBER that Blacks of that time COULDN'T FOLLOW WHITES OUT TO THE SUBURBIA THEY WERE CREATING FOR THEMSELVES, then? The article turns around and disconnects this FACT, ON PURPOSE, at SPECIFIC JUNCTURES WITHIN ITSELF TO CREATE THE EFFECTIVE-AFFECT THAT I CALL; Muddying the Waters. Where it gives the reader the chance to sink back into the belief that Blacks COULD HAVE done x-y-z, when? The article itself has already STATED AND SHOWN THAT WE COULD NOT. It's, a form of psychological slight of hand that appears to be easy to SEE AND UNDERSTAND, but plays off of THE READERS ACTUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL DESIRES. So? If you are Black and give a fuck, this disconnected crap, this muddying of the waters, will eventually enrage you. If you are ANYONE who DOESN'T REALLY LIKE READING SHIT LIKE THIS? ^_^ Then it gives you a SUBCONSCIOUS WAY OUT OF DEALING WITH THE REALITY OF WHAT YOU JUST READ. Now? How any Black Person can think they can REASON with a people who use THEIR EXPERTISE to FIGURE OUT WAYS to PSYCHOLOGICALLY INFLUENCE AND AFFECT OTHERS, well? Good luck with that, cuz you'll need it. But at the end of the day you know that anyone who will use these kinds of TECHNIQUES, you KNOW that you CANNOT ALLOW THEM TO SPEAK. Because the words coming out of their mouths and being written down into texts, are always twisted and perverted in some way. It CREATES an environment that Whites are NOT TO BE TRUSTED. Where this is something THAT WHITES THEMSELVES CREATE AND DO SO WILLINGLY TO PUSH THEIR AGENDAS....)
Because jobs in new service areas and parts of the economy were being created in ALL WHITE suburbs (Note that I HAVE INTENTIONALLY EDITED AND ADDED CORRECT CONTEXTS so that readers regardless of race-n-place can STAY ON POINT), unemployment was much higher in many Black than in white neighborhoods, and crime was frequent. Black Americans rarely owned the stores or businesses where they lived (This is another Muddying of the Waters in order to give off the belief that Black Americans did not have any self-sustaining economic infrastructure, it does not wish to highlight the fact that DURING WWII, which I have typed previously, Black Americans made MASSIVE INROADS IN ADVANCEMENT BECAUSE WHITES WERE OFF FIGHTING AND COULD NOT MAINTAIN KEEPING US OUT OF GOOD JOBS AND HOUSING. Something I have already posted they corrected IMMEDIATELY AFTER WWII BY INTENTIONALLY DESTROYING BLACK COMMUNITIES LIKE THE ONE IN SAN FRANCISCO. Where they IMMEDIATELY CHANGED LAWS AND ATTACKED AND DESTROYED THE BLACK SAN FRAN COMMUNITY AND DROVE THEM INTO OAKLAND, WHICH THEY'D GUTTED OUT! LEAVING THEM BROKE AND DESTITUTE AFTER WHITES SEIZED AND DESTROYED EVERYTHING THEY HAD IN FORCING THEM OUT OF SAN FRAN. These things MUST BE KEPT IN PERSPECTIVE AND CORRECTLY INPUT INTO THE TIMELINES OF TEXT AND TALK SO THAT READERS, LISTENERS, ETC UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS A MASSIVE ANTI-BLACK CAMPAIGN TO DESTROY WHAT WAS BUILT BY BLACKS OF THAT TIME AND OF THAT MIND FRAME OF UNDERSTANDING THAT SELF-RELIANCE IS THE RIGHT WAY TO GO. 
And the caps are clearly to make it stand out so you can see and then ask yourself what happens to Blacks who broke their necks to gain all that wealth they JUST HAD! Then as soon as WWII is over, "the Greatest Generation" of White Nazi-American Bigots and Bastards IMMEDIATELY ATTACK AND DESTROY BLACK PEOPLE WHO WERE ABLE TO GAIN ACTUAL ECONOMIC AND EDUCATIONAL POWER! That of course, once the gains were wiped out, CANNOT BE PASSED TO THEIR CHILDREN OR THEIR CHILDREN'S CHILDREN. THIS! IS WHY I SAY NAZI-AMERICA. Not because it is SHOCKING OR CUTE. But because it does the VERY SAME THINGS that the Nazi's did when they decided that they needed to DEPOWER AND DISENFRANCHISE. Back to the article, OH!? And you tell me what happens if Black Children are even EXPOSED AND EDUCATED WITH JUST WHAT I HAVE TYPED AS A PART OF THEIR EDUCATION? You think they'll be so quick to kill each other in the streets? You think they'll be so quick to marry outside of Our Race when they see the massive amounts of INTENTIONAL SHIT DONE TO US, TO THEIR GRANDPARENTS, TO THEIR PARENTS? No. Instead they will be given a FOUNDATION ROOTED IN DO NOT ALLOW THIS TO CONTINUE. This of course will create Black Children who will grow up TO OPEN THEIR OWN BUSINESSES. WHO WILL GROW UP TO LEARN THE LAWS OF NAZI-AMERICA INSIDE AND OUT. Black Children who will WILLINGLY GO TO MARTIAL ARTS CLASSES AND NOT FOOTBALL AND BASKETBALL PRACTICES. Black Children who will ACTIVELY LOOK TO CONQUER HBCU'S WITH THE INTENT OF PURGING THEM OF NON-BLACK INFLUENCES AND THEN USING THEM FOR OUR BENEFIT AND NOT AS WINDOW-DRESSING. Back to the article). Many Blacks were limited to menial or blue-collar jobs, although union organizing in the 1930s and 1940s had opened up good working environments for some. Black Americans often made only enough money to live in dilapidated tenements that were privately owned, or poorly maintained public housing. They also attended schools that were often the worst academically in the city and that had fewer white students than in the decades before WWII. (The lack of White students meant that Whites in the city halls would not CORRECTLY DISTRIBUTE FUNDS because THERE WERE NO WHITES TO WORRY ABOUT. And this is NOT something to overlook lightly. We pay taxes. Previous generations of Blacks have ALWAYS PAID TAXES, yet we SUPPOSEDLY aren't entitled to reparations? Only a fool would buy that bullshit. Because IN THIS ARTICLE ALONE IS PROOF OF WHY REPARATIONS MUST BE PAID. Because OUR TAXES HAVE NEVER BEEN USED FOR US OR OUR WELFARE. So if reparations ISN'T BEING PAID, then we should be EXEMPT FROM FEDERAL AND STATE TAXES. And I say THAT, type THAT, because Whites will counter with the easy-obvious move of EXEMPTING US from being able to get Social Security, etc. Again? REAL BLACK LEADERSHIP AT THE POLITICAL LEVEL WILL SEE AND KNOW AND UNDERSTAND AND PUSH FOR THESE VERY REAL AND VERY ATTAINABLE GOALS FOR OUR PEOPLE. But Nigger-Traitors and Non-Blacks claiming to be OUR FRIENDS AND SALVATION will continue to PUSH FOR OUR EXTERMINATION)
The racial makeup of most major city police departments, largely ethnic white (especially Irish), was a major factor in adding to racial tensions. Even a Black neighborhood such as Harlem had a ratio of one Black officer for every six white officers.[166] The majority-Black city of Newark, New Jersey had only 145 Blacks among its 1322 police officers.[167] (Again? This WAS DONE THEN, so that Whites could begin the process of FIGURING OUT HOW TO CONTROL A BLACK NAZI-COP FORCE AND MAKE SURE THEY STAYED LOYAL TO WHITE POLICY AND PROCEDURES. Once THIS PROBLEM WAS PSYCHOLOGICALLY FIGURED OUT? Then it became time to PUT THE CONTROL MECHANISMS IN PLACE TO ALLOW IT TO BE IMPLEMENTED. And then, VIOLA, you now have places like Baltimore where THE NAZI-COPS ARE ALMOST HALF BLACK IN NUMBER BUT THEY STILL CONTINUE WHITE POWER AND SUPREMACY POLICIES AND PROCEDURE. Again!? You do NOT have to believe or like a word I say. But if YOU QUESTION if Whites would DO ALL OF THIS KIND OF INSIDIOUS SHIT? Go ask YOUR NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN NEIGHBOR WHAT HE OR SHE THINKS OF IT? ASK THEIR KIDS, IF YOU CAN FUCKIN FIND THEM! WHAT THEY THINK OF ALL OF THIS. Heh-heh-heh, and yes, I snicker. Because WHAT I JUST TYPED? You can't fuckin escape THE REALITY OF IT. You CAN'T, ASK YOUR NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN NEIGHBOR! BECAUSE YOU DON'T FUCKIN HAVE ONE IN 99% OF THE PLACES THROUGHOUT NAZI-AMERICA WHERE YOU COULD BE READING THIS FROM. So? Ummmm, where did they go? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAH!) 
Police forces in Northern cities were largely composed of white ethnics, descendants of 19th-century immigrants: mainly Irish, Italian, and Eastern European officers. They had established their own power bases in the police departments and in territories in cities. Some would routinely harass Blacks with or without provocation.[168]

Harlem riot of 1964

Further information: Harlem Rebellion of 1964
One of the first major race riots took place in Harlem, New York, in the summer of 1964. A white Irish-American police officer, Thomas Gilligan, shot 15-year-old James Powell, who was Black, for allegedly charging him armed with a knife (Mike Brown before Mike Brown and ONCE AGAIN? Our Youth, DESERVE DEATH. There is, LET ME TAKE A KNIFE FOR THE TEAM BECAUSE THIS KID IS JUST A CONFUSED FUCK-UP WHO HASN'T EVEN BEGUN TO LIVE LIFE YET, no. It is HE'S GOT A KNIFE! HE'S GOT A GLARE, I GOTTA GET HIM OUTTA HERE! Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, note? IT is DEATH! FOR BLACK YOUNG MALES. Because, well? REALITY IS THE SAME ALL ACROSS EARTH PEOPLES. The Men GET SLAUGHTERED AND THE WOMEN GET RAPED OF PEOPLE YOU HATE! Chew on that shit for a second while we move on with this article). It was found that Powell was unarmed (O_o!? I'M SHOCKED! SAY IT AIN'T SO JOE! SAY IT AIN't, yeah whatever! So now is this 1964 or 2015? Perhaps that Nazi-Cop just needed more Niggers to hold hands and walk in front of them and then KNEEL THE FUCK DOWN LIKE A BUNCH OF FUCKIN PUSSY-ASS BLACKMEN AFRAID FOR THEIR PUSSY-ASS LIVES! This is THE REAL REASON why Our Communities are FUCKED UP! Because we have Bitch-Ass Blackmen who grovel before Whites and are too busy plottin to fuck White-Becky in the ass! Instead of puttin those fuckin bibles and koran's down and all that other shit! And realizing that this is why Our Blackwomen don't give two fucks about what we say.). A group of Black civilians (BLACKMEN, MUTHAFUCKA! NOT CIVILIANS! BLACKMEN DEMANDED SOME SHIT HAPPEN OR ELSE! Again!? Whites WILL NOT! Put down that Blackmen said BRING THAT WHITE PIECE OF SHIT OUT HERE OR ELSE!) demanded Gilligan's suspension. Hundreds of young Black demonstrators marched peacefully to the 67th Street police station on July 17, 1964, the day after Powell's death.[169]
The police department did not suspend Gilligan. (So now Gilligan is killing Black People with impunity, what next, the Professor and Marianne too!? And YES! I MADE FUCKIN JOKE! CUZ THIS SHIT IS A GODDAMN JOKE! Again with the PEACEFUL BULLSHIT! >_< Trying to REASON WITH someone who will MURDER YOU AND YOUR WOMAN AND YOUR KIDS!? That shit is A SIGN THAT PSYCHOLOGICALLY!? SOMETHING IS OFF! IT IS COWARDICE! However!? Read on....) Although the precinct had promoted the NYPD's first Black station commander, neighborhood residents were frustrated with racial inequalities (Look we killed a Black child LIED ON HIM TOO TO JUSTIFY IT! GOT AWAY WITH MURDER! BUT!? UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!? LOOK LOOK! WE JUST PROMOTED ONE OF YOUR PEOPLE TO STATION COMMANDER! SEE!? SEE!? SEE! For the record? This is Stacey-logic by the way. Do something HORRIBLY HEINOUS! But then turn around and say BUT SEE I DIDN'T REALLY FUCK HIM BECAUSE IT WAS ON MIXIT! And it HONESTLY makes me LAUGH! Because it is SO FUCKIN BIZARRE, WARPED AND WHAT-THE-FUCKISH!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! SO IT'S NOT REALLY CHEATING! BUT I'D BETTER NOT CATCH YOU DOING THIS OR ELSE IT IS OVER MISTER! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! And now?). Rioting broke out, and Bedford-Stuyvesant, a major Black neighborhood in Brooklyn erupted next. That summer, rioting also broke out in Philadelphia, for similar reasons. (So the article DOES NOT tell you what Black Child was killed IN THESE CITIES AND REGIONS, leading to Blacks Rebelling!)
In the aftermath of the riots of July 1964, the federal government funded a pilot program called Project Uplift. (This is the TYPICAL WHITE-TACTIC OF STALLING-APPEASEMENT. The PURPOSE behind this is to STOP BLACK AGGRESSION FROM ESCALATING WHILE THEY FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET CONTROL OVER US AND THE SITUATION STRICTLY TO THEIR BENEFIT! Nothing more. Nothing less. And I talked about this previously in this post. Whites will USE WORDS AND FAKE ACTIONS TO GET ANYONE TO LOWER THEIR GUARD AND THEN DESTROY THEM! It is part of the reason why Whites DO NOT BELIEVE IN THEIR OWN POLITICAL GOVERNMENTS UNLESS THEY ARE FAT AND HAPPY AND OVEREMPLOYED AND CAN SEE, LITERALLY SEE! THE PROGRESS BEING MADE ON THE EVERYDAY WHITE-CITIZEN LEVEL) Thousands of young Black people in Harlem were given jobs during the summer of 1965 (Again, STALL TACTIC. Giving off the ILLUSION that OKAY THIS TIME CHARLIE BROWN!? LUCY'S GONNA LET YOUR DUMB-ASS KICK THAT FUCKIN FOOTBALL! This is a BIG REASON why Our People are SO FUCKIN FRUSTRATED ALL THE TIME! It is because we KEEP BELIEVING WHITE PEOPLE LIKE A BUNCH OF PREPROGRAMMED SLAVES AND IDIOTS! It is PATHETIC). The project was inspired by a report generated by HARYOU called Youth in the Ghetto.[170] HARYOU was given a major role in organizing the project, together with the National Urban League and nearly 100 smaller community organizations.[171] Permanent jobs at living wages were still out of reach of many young Blackmen (So much for Project Uplift. Meanwhile? If someone does enough digging they will probably find that while this was PUBLICLY called Project Uplift? It was PROBABLY CALLED Project Stall or Project Stymie. Because if you think about it, once this project was initiated it can EASILY BE USED to give THE FALSE BELIEF that now Black Americans will get the same HISTORICAL GOVERNMENT ASSISTED WELFARE WORK THAT WHITES HAVE ALWAYS GOTTEN! Go look up How the West was won. Go look up how Oklahoma was settled. You will find that the United States Government of Nazi-America gave INCENTIVES for Whites to go west where they could KEEP WHATEVER LAND THEY SETTLED ON, ETC! However, since Whites STILL BELIEVE that we don't read as a Black People, they were NOT. HAPPY. TO FIND BLACKS TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THESE PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES TO. To DESTROY the Black Towns and Black Cities settled AND CREATED BY BLACKS. Grandfather Laws and Clauses were created TO STRIP THEM OF THEIR RIGHT TO OWN LAND AND THEIR HARD EARNED WORK WAS DESTROYED! Hmphf, I'm sensing a pattern to all of this, are you...? But Whites PRETEND NOT TO KNOW where Black American Rage and Frustration comes from....)

Police arrest a man during the Watts Riots, August 1965.

Watts Rebellion (1965)

Further information: Watts Rebellion
In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act, but the new law had no immediate effect on living conditions for Blacks. A few days after the act became law, a rebellion broke out in the South Central Los Angeles neighborhood of Watts. Like Harlem, Watts was an impoverished neighborhood with very high unemployment, BECAUSE WHITES MADE IT THAT WAY. Its residents were supervised by a largely white police department that had a history of abuse against Blacks, as an occupying force is supposed to.
While arresting a young Blackman for drunk driving, police officers argued with the suspect's mother before onlookers. The conflict triggered a massive destruction of property through six days of rebellion (Note the LACK OF DETAILS and the desire for you to click-bait to find out OR!? If you've had enough of this RACIAL SHIT. Just move on and fuck clicking to find out further, AGAIN!? These are INTENTIONAL OUTS that will allow a READER to simply just BAIL. Just, FUCK IT! THIS SHIT IS DEPRESSING! IT IS FRUSTRATING IT IS FUCKERY! I'M OUT! And it is EFFECTIVE, BUT ONLY IF THE PERSON IS ALREADY PREPROGRAMMED TO BELIEVE THAT THIS IS NOT WORTH FINDING OUT ALL THEY CAN AND THEN ACTIVELY TAKING TO THE STREETS TO STOP IT! END IT! PERIOD!). Thirty-four people were killed and property valued at about $30 million was destroyed, making the Watts Riots among the most expensive in American history. (Now? If? IF THE AREA WAS IMPOVERISHED!? THEN HOW WAS THE PROPERTY VALUE OF DAMAGE AS HIGH AS THIS CLAIMS!? ^_^ See? Now? YOU? FIGURE THAT ONE OUT? This is WHAT I MEAN! Shit is NOT as HOPELESS FOR US AS WE ARE ALWAYS LED TO BELIEVE! SHITTY POLICY IN DEALING WITH ANY SITUATION WILL CAUSE YOU TO MISS OPPORTUNITIES TO RESOLVE THE SITUATIONS IN YOUR FAVOR. I'll delve into THAT FACT, another time)
With Black militancy on the rise, Black ghetto residents directed acts of anger at the police. (OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-HO-HO-HOOOOOOO! Now!? Now ya see!? This is the shit that GETS WHITES NERVOUS! Cuz now? THE TIME FOR TALKING IS DONE;
 Black residents growing tired of police brutality continued to riot. Some young Black people joined groups such as the Black Panthers, whose popularity was based in part on their reputation for confronting police officers. Riots among Blacks occurred in 1966 and 1967 in cities such as Atlanta, San Francisco, OaklandBaltimoreSeattleTacomaCleveland,CincinnatiColumbusNewark, Chicago, New York City (specifically in Brooklyn, Harlem and the Bronx), and worst of all in Detroit.

Detroit Rebellion of 1967

Further information: Detroit riot of 1967
In Detroit, a small Black middle class had begun to develop among those Black-Americans who worked at unionized jobs in the automotive industry; these workers still contended with unsafe working conditions and racist practices, concerns which the United Auto Workers channeled into bureaucratic and ineffective grievance procedures.[172] White mobs enforced the segregation of housing up through the 1960s; upon learning that a new home buyer was Black, whites would congregate outside the home picketing, often breaking windows, committing arson, and attacking their new neighbors.[173] (Now? THIS IS IN THE NORTH. NOT the South. So all this BULLSHIT! About how WHITE NORTHERNERS are BETTER THAN WHITE SOUTHERNERS!? HA!) Blacks who were not upwardly mobile were living in substandard conditions, subject to the same problems as Black-Americans in Watts and Harlem. (The MODERN DAY DIVERSION OF CLASS AMONG AND INCLUDING BLACKS! CAME FROM OUT OF THIS TIME PERIOD WHERE WHITES SOUGHT TO DRAW US INTO THEIR SYSTEMS EVEN MORE! THUS MUDDYING THE WATERS AGAIN FOR US! AND MAKING US ADOPT THEIR CASTE-CLASS SYSTEM! Meanwhile!? Being Black and RICH!? Means NOTHING, whenever Whites WANT IT TO MEAN NOTHING. Thus Black Caste-Class DOES NOT ACTUALLY MEAN SHIT! Only dumb-ass Nigger-Traitors fall for this diversionary tactic. But I type this TO POINT OUT WHERE IT CAME FROM AND WHY WHITES INTRODUCED IT TO US, as a means to FURTHER DIVIDE US UP AGAINST EACH OTHER AND GIVE A FALSE SENSE THAT ESCAPING WHITE BIGOTRY COULD BE GAINED THROUGH YOUR INCOME AND TAX BRACKET. Only DUMB BLACKS fall for this one.) 
When white police officers shut down an illegal bar and arrested a large group of patrons during the hot summer, furious residents rioted (This incident is INTENTIONALLY NOT BEING FULLY DETAILED, but I'll let that SLIDE FOR THE SAKE OF TIME, because it has LITERALLY TAKEN ME TWO HOURS JUST TO PUT THIS ALL TOGETHER). Blacks looted and destroyed property for five days, and National Guardsmen and federal troops patrolled in TANKS through the streets (Sound? FAMILIAR?!). Residents reported that police officers shot at Black people before even determining if the suspects were armed or dangerous (AGAIN!? SOUND? FAMILIAR!?). After five days, 43 people had been killed, hundreds injured, and thousands left homeless. $40 to $45 million worth of damage was caused.[173]
State and local governments responded to the riot with a dramatic increase in minority hiring (AGAIN!? HIRING BY WHITES FOR WHITES TO APPEASE BLACKS! They didn't respond with MASSIVE NO INTEREST LOANS AND FREE GRANT MONEY TO REBUILD THE BLACK ECONOMY OR FOR US TO BE ABLE TO BUILD A BLACK ECONOMY, NO! Whites WILL NOT WILL NOT WILL NOT! Do something that will ALLOW OR CAUSE US TO BECOME SELF-SUFFICIENT AND GUESS WHAT!? They are NOT SUPPOSED TO. And UNTIL BLACK AMERICANS AND BLACK AFRICANS GET THIS FUCKIN SHIT THROUGH OUR THICK SKULLS!? FUCKIN WHITEWOMEN IN THE ASS! GETTIN FUCKED IN THE ASS BY WHITEMEN! NONE OF THIS BULLSHIT! MEANS SHIT TO THEM! It is not and WILL NOT! Change a FUCKIN THING FOR US AS BLACK PEOPLE. We have to AGGRESSIVELY push OURSELVES FORWARD WITH THE FULL INTENTION OF COMPETING AND SURPASSING WHITES, ASIANS, ARABS AND ANYONE AND EVERYBODY ELSE OF A NON-BLACK RACE TO REGAIN OUR RESPECT, DIGNITY, POWER AND PLACE ON THIS PLANET! PERIOD! White People are DOING WHAT THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING, MAINTAINING THEIR POWER! WE ARE THE ONES NOT DOING WHAT WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING, WHICH IS REGAINING OUR POWER AND ACCEPTING THE FACT THAT WE CANNOT BOTH BE IN POWER AND HAVE POWER, AT THE SAME TIME! PERIOD!). Mayor Cavanaugh in May 1968 appointed a Special Task Force on Police Recruitment and Hiring, and by July 1972, blacks made up 14 percent of the Detroit police, more than double their percentage in 1967.[174] (Again!? WE SUPPOSEDLY MADE IT BECAUSE WHITES LET US INTO THEIR FUCKED UP ASS, ANTI-BLACK ORGANIZATIONS!? WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF STUPID THINKING IS THIS!? It is SLAVE MENTALITY!) The Michigan government used its reviews of contracts issued by the state to secure a 21 percent increase in nonwhite employment.[175] In the aftermath of the turmoil, the Greater Detroit Board of Commerce launched a campaign to find jobs for ten thousand "previously unemployable" persons, a preponderant number of whom were Black.[176]
Prior to the disorder, Detroit enacted no ordinances to end housing segregation, and few had been enacted in the state of Michigan at all.[177] Governor George Romney (Hooooooooooo? George? ROMNEY?) immediately responded to the rebellion of 1967 with a special session of the Michigan legislature where he forwarded sweeping housing proposals that included not only fair housing, but "important relocation, tenants' rights and code enforcement legislation." Romney had supported such proposals in 1965, but abandoned them in the face of organized opposition. White conservative resistance was powerful in 1967 as well, but this time Romney did not relent and once again proposed the housing laws at the regular 1968 session of the legislature. (SO THEN!? STILL THINK WHITES DON'T RESPOND TO VIOLENCE, AY!?)
The governor publicly warned that if the housing measures were not passed, "it will accelerate the recruitment of revolutionary insurrectionists." (ANNNNNNNNNNNND, THERE YOU GO! White People KNOW that what we should be doing IS REVOLTING AGAINST THEIR BULLSHIT BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY! PERIOD! I CAN'T LIVE AND ENJOY LIFE?! THEN NOBODY CAN AND ESPECIALLY NOT YOU! That is THE CORRECT MENTALITY TO TAKE when you keep TELLING SOMEONE, CUT. THAT. SHIT. OUT! I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE AND STOP FUCKIN INTERFERING IN MY LIFE AND DESTROYING MY HARD EARNED WORK AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS! NOW!? I'M DONE TALKING TO YOU! YOU TAKE THIS AND THIS AND YOUR CHANGE, ASSHOLE! AND GET THE FUCK UP OUTTA HERE!) The laws passed both houses of the legislature. Historian Sidney Fine writes that: "The Michigan Fair Housing Act, which took effect on November 15, 1968, was stronger than the federal fair housing law…and than just about all the existing state fair housing acts. It is probably more than a coincidence that the state that had experienced the most severe racial disorder of the 1960s also adopted one of the strongest state fair housing acts."[177]
Detroit's decline had begun in the 1950s, during which the city lost almost a tenth of its population.[178] It has been argued – including by Mayor Coleman Young – that the rebellion was the primary accelerator of "white flight", an ethnic succession by which white residents moved out of inner-city neighborhoods into the suburbs.[179] In contrast, urban affairs experts largely blame a Supreme Court decision against NAACP lawsuits on school desegregation – 1974's Milliken v. Bradley case – which maintained the suburban schools as a lily-white refuge.[180][181][182] In his dissenting opinion, Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas wrote that the Milliken decision perpetuated "restrictive covenants" that "maintained...Black ghettos."[183] (Detroit lost 12.8% of its white population in the 1950s, 15.2% of its white population in the 1960s, and 21.2% of its white population in the 1970s.)[184]

Nationwide Rebellions of 1967

Further information: Long Hot Summer of 1967
In addition to Detroit, over 100 US cities experienced riots in 1967, including Newark, Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Washington D.C.[185] President Johnson created the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders in 1967. The commission's final report called for major reforms in employment and public assistance for Black communities. It warned that the United States was moving toward separate white and Black societies. (Meanwhile, THIS IS AND ALREADY WAS THE REALITY!)

You look at this, LOOK AT IT! Just to UNDO the BULLSHIT in the ONE FUCKIN WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE!? TOOK ME OVER TWO FUCKIN HOURS OF WORK! Now!? You think this is going on within White Nazi-American SCHOOL BOOKS!? You think this is what White Americans are going to put IN THEIR SCHOOL BOOKS!?
Man, please!


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