Sunday, February 28, 2016

Dr. Boyce Watkins; How loving the wrong person can destroy your dreams and goals

This one!? I know allllllllllllllllllllllllllllll too well! I've gotten My Ass CHEWED OUT over the last few years for my HORRIBLE DECISION-MAKING in sticking with My Relationships for too long when it was obvious that I needed to stop being involved with these women if I HONESTLY NEEDED TO ACCOMPLISH EVEN WHAT I HAVE RIGHT NOW!

So to hear this video and to have had the experiences I've had I have nobody to blame but myself for NOT KNOWING WHEN TO HONESTLY SAY WHEN BEFORE I'VE GOT NO CHOICE. You know, when I was in college, My College Sweetheart truly was My Soulmate. She was WAY SMARTER THAN ME and we were both psychology majors and she wasn't about bullshitting when we talked about serious issues. It amazes me how hard some of Our Black Families work to try to control and destroy Our Children when we see that it is simply that time to LET THEM GO and LET THEM START LIVING THEIR LIVES. It was a lesson that is currently the reason why both Stacey and Noni for as fucked up as shit turned out between us FOR TOTALLY DIFFERENT REASONS, but!?

Many times I had to tell them and then just leave it at that, that!?
You don't help yourself or anyone else when you become intentionally petty and try to manipulate matters when you've been told to your face; This is what I NEED TO DO and if you try to FORCE ME TO CHOOSE between YOU and WHAT I KNOW NEEDS TO BE DONE...?!

You're gonna lose EVERY.
Because I was raised to carry out Necessities FIRST.
But the REALITY WAS that I was raised in a manner where I was HEARTLESS INITIALLY in doing so. And I've had to spend my life as I've moved forward THROUGH IT, figuring out how to balance being tactful and am I simply being impatient and forcing things. Within that process I've seen that in a relationship if the woman HAS HER OWN AGENDA and it is STRICTLY SELFISH IN NATURE?

Then being introspective ON MY PART, only opens me up for guilt-tripping bullshit, on her part. Then I've got to go all the way around God's Green Earth to finally get her to back off and either give me the space I need, usually ending the relationship in the process, or!? I have to completely LIMIT everything between us and ration my time spent with her, where the reality is!? If I have to do EITHER OR BOTH OR WHATEVER!? Then this woman is NOT compatible with ME AND WHAT I NEED TO DO and I need to move on or simply keep stepping.

To BE HONEST AND OPEN ABOUT IT, even in this video. The COMPLEXITY of One's Own Emotions isn't quite as cut-n-dry as Dr. Watkins puts it in this video, BUT!? I GET IT. So I've INTENTIONALLY AVOIDED AND TURNED DOWN a NUMBER of advances and invitations over the last few years from some rather good looking women. But I did so simply because I CANNOT AFFORD to run the risk of things turning the wrong way while I have RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME the chance for ECONOMIC AUTONOMY. And that is really what I should have stuck with from day-1, especially having the knowledge and experience that I have. And that is why I have openly admitted that I got MYSELF into this mess! BY TRYING TO FIT IN, instead of simply PLOWING STRAIGHT AHEAD TOWARDS MY GOALS LIKE I USED TO REGARDLESS OF ANYONE'S OBJECTIONS.

Getting there....
Here is the video;

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