Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Long-Walker Artwork-Scene is done! Just BACK from plantation-station!

I LITERALLY JUST WALKED IN THE DOOR! I got the artwork done just before leaving and I can post that now. I realized that I have a lot more I could do with this picture. But I'm not trying to push it to the point of fuckin it up!


Men are quitting LEFT AND RIGHT at the plantation-station! Both Reggie and Aaron have ABRUPTLY LEFT! And RIGHTFULLY SO! I've also been approached by a coworker to SPLIT A TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENT and I THINK I'M GONNA DO THAT! Because I need to GET OUT OF HERE. Lot more going on than I've been posting. But the main reason WHY I HAVEN'T POSTED is because I'm working on things FOR WILLIAMS WORKS that is going to give me the opportunity TO MAKE MONEY!


And doing things like drawing characters.
Inking them.
Coloring them.
Scanning them.
Then posting the results, THAT ALONE is a full day's worth of work where I have characters who have been scanned and need to have their backgrounds done by my laptop and I'm backed up on that!

So that is why you haven't seen the normal explosion of 3 to 7 posts per day. Because just the artwork alone is something where I really don't like making mistakes and I DO NOT draw fast. I'm not a speed artist AND I'M RUSTY. So I'm WORKING MY WAY BACK. Doing the single-shot portraits and full-length pictures I normally do, still takes me longer than I'd like. EITHER WAY!?

Lemme get outta these work clothes and get cleaned up!


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